Bf-109 G-10
6 October 2012, 08:43

if u wanna sea a real german bird give it in hands of german modeler 😄
6 October 2012, 08:58

Sieht gut aus! Wie viele Baustellen hast Du denn so mittlerweile?
6 October 2012, 09:19

Dankeschön Christian! Bis jetzt kann ich es auf 3 Baustellen begrenzen... Bald wird es ja wieder lange dunkel, da brauch ich den Platz😢!
6 October 2012, 09:24

Cute, Holger. Mine is just entering painting. I like this kit despite of the troubling fit of the canopy and the undersized propeller. Do you know a good aftermarket source for a replacement prop?
6 October 2012, 10:32

Hello Burkhard, thx!
No unfortunately, i dont know about a replacement. But you are right woth the canopy, it drove me crazy!
6 October 2012, 11:29

Nice llokin one O' nine Holger.
Maybe you can order a HobbyBoss Propeller.
6 October 2012, 11:38

Oh well, this is just a project for pasttime, so i´m not going to invest much money on this one😢!
6 October 2012, 11:50

Thank you, Willy! Some minutes ago the last decal was placed and the oils are already mixed! I love this part!😢
6 October 2012, 17:10

Essen am Modellbautisch. Tststs... unverständlich, ungesund.. ABER NAHRHAFT 🙂
6 October 2012, 17:42

Nicht ich habe gegessen, Manfred!🙂
@Stefan: Thank you mate!!! But Revell makes it easy for me! The decals are wonderful to work with!
6 October 2012, 18:20

@Manfred - Biste nicht allein - jedesmal wenn ich auf Deiner Homepage war mußte ich hinterher zum Kühlschrank...😉
7 October 2012, 15:26

Gotta hate these Revell color callouts. Is that RLM75/83? Boxart seems to suggest RLM81/83?
7 October 2012, 18:03

You are right Burkhard, Revell wont make it Easy to us! This time i wanted to do a 74/75, Not as suggested in The instructions! This is an jg7 aircraft and they had this camo in August '44!
7 October 2012, 18:47

Perused a few books in the meantime and that suggested to me RLM75/83 with RLM76 sides/undersides. With RLM83 being Dark Green. Looks like that's exactly what you did when viewing your pictures, while what you are saying is 74/75 wihich would be two shades of grey?
7 October 2012, 21:06

Yeah, looks correctly, Holger! Fine 109 it will be when she is finished!
Wish you patience with your little gem!
7 October 2012, 21:24

Möglicherweise hast Du recht!
Doch soll es Ende August '44 genau diese "grautarnung" im jg7 gegeben haben. Ob nun bei dieser Markierung weis ich nicht aber ich find es sieht geil aus😢!
7 October 2012, 21:26

Don't get me wrong, this is nothing about who is wrong or right, I leave this to the Color Polizei 🙂
I was just confused by the swap change between RLM82 and RLM83, i.e. mid-green and dark green, that happened in the reference literature a few years ago. After reading half a dozen of books I am left with a few hypothesis', conflicting evidence, and little proof.
Anyway, I think a Flugzeugwart in late 1944/early 1945 had more essential things to care about than applying 'correct' colors and patterns. 😉
So I go by gut feeling. My Bf109 is talking to me that grey-violet (75) looks much better with dark green (83) than mid-green (82). So I'll give 83 a go. 🙂
8 October 2012, 08:02

Yep, Burkhard, in late wartime with lack of supply, everything was possible!😢
Oliver, thank you🙂!
8 October 2012, 08:42

Holger and friends ...hi. A sincere question for anyone to answer, from the genuinely curious. Why do almost all manufacturers make the Me 109 and why does it sell in such vast numbers? I understand there are iterations of the aircraft from Spanish Civil War to the Avia(?) version post-war so lots of scope for the modeller. Is this why it's so popular?
17 October 2012, 12:24

Hmmm, for me its the story/history and the beautiful shape of this aircraft! Have you ever build one?
17 October 2012, 12:29

Everyone builds a 109 because it is part of your annual dues to be a member of the International Plastic Messerschmitt Society (IPMS)!
17 October 2012, 12:56

Bill- Made me smile, that did. Cheers. Holger, yes, years ago. Blue-grey sides painted up to the canopy -probably 1940 era or summat. Interesting you mention colour police - a couple years ago, asserting VV-S colour X instead of Y would have angry crowds burning your dog and kicking your house -same issue for WW2 Luftwaffe then?
17 October 2012, 15:41

I think it's because Messerschmitt and One-O-Nine is easier to procounce in English than Focke-Wulf or Heinkel? And for the multitude of paint & marking schemes as compared to Mustangs (boring) Spitfires (boring), Thunderbolts (boring), Zekes (boring). Conversely, no NMF to put up with :-D
17 October 2012, 16:55

I've found a drawing of a Me 109 G-10 - 11./JG 7 - Berlin - April 45. The camo is described with RLM 76/83 on the upper sides(?) and underneath with RLM 78.
Number 44 (white) and a white spiral on the spinner...
Looks nearly like your "Gustav" -
17 October 2012, 17:14

Muss das jetzt erstmal in die Kamara bringen. Melde mich aber bei Dir...🙂
17 October 2012, 17:56

Looks very good ,Mate. The trop version of the 109 is one of my faves.
Like the matchbox Boxart of this version.
Got this one here in stash..Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/7 Trop (Tamiya 60755, 1:72)
17 October 2012, 18:23

You have a very nice kit, there! I'd like to have this Emil kit myself😢!
17 October 2012, 19:41

Hey Holger.
Want to buy the Kit???
It isnt cheap 🙂
18 October 2012, 15:11

Finally finished!
This "Monday-Kit" was not a joy to build... I assembled the same kit earlyer and that was mor fun for me! But anyway, i have "one-o-nine" back on the shelf! 🙂
29 January 2013, 14:06

That doesn't look bad at all. I like it very much. Although you say it's a Monday kit.
29 January 2013, 14:22

Hey Holger, well done! Like it, but... have you done it yourself? Your cutting matress is a bit too clean...😉😉😉😎
29 January 2013, 14:23

The end result is great Holger, nice and claen built, a fine paintjob and a great waethering, great job mate!
29 January 2013, 14:38

Hey Holger, the One-O-Nine looks really good. What have you done with the shadow on the last pic?
29 January 2013, 15:34

I simlpy used two tones of pastells/pigments. The light one first and then a layer of "volcanic sand" from MIG. Simply but effective.
29 January 2013, 15:40

Hi Holger - nice, but it seems to me that the canopy don't fit so good... or?
29 January 2013, 17:13

Hi Mike! Oh yes you are right! But The canopy was one of the parts with the better fit...
29 January 2013, 17:28

Moin Holger! Ist ein schönes Teil geworden! Mehr kann man aus dieser Gurke nicht rausholen. Top Arbeit!
29 January 2013, 18:59

Danke Christian! Dat kenn's wohl seggen, dat Ding taugt niet inne Wurst!
29 January 2013, 19:14

inne Wurst ....LOL
But nevertheless you did a well done Job ,Mate!!
30 January 2013, 08:40

Hi Holger,
I like your Kurfürst! Nice colour choice!
If you like I would say something about your spray technique, the correct pressure and paint/thinner mixture. But only if you like! 🙂
I don`t wanna be the reviewer, only to give some hints!
🙂 Greetz
30 January 2013, 11:29

@Dirk: Who am i, that i not would love to take an advice from you?😢
30 January 2013, 12:16

Well, so I`ll start with some basics. 🙂
Large surfaces
1) Pressure adjusted between 0,8 to 1,0 bar!
2) Colour mixture: 1 part paint to 2 parts thinner
3) Hold pistol at angle of 45 ° in direction of the surface! Don`t spray again any obstacles like the fuselage. Otherwise you will cause a turbulence and you will receive an orange skin.
Little dots
1) If possible use a needle and nozzle of 0.25 mm size ( Standard is often 0.5mm)
2) pressure adjusted between 0.5 to 0.7 bar, not more. This will guaranteed that you can spray from short distance! I spray in this manner with a distance of only 1 cm!!
3) colour mixture: 1 part paint and !! 3 !! parts thinner
Try this and tell me your experiences!
30 January 2013, 16:05

Copy & Paste!
I am allowed to try this at home? Thanks Dirk, i'll try to keep that in mind when it comes to the next paintjob!😢
30 January 2013, 17:08

Ach so, ja! Sind, wie bei Revell üblich nicht mit auf dem Bogen und für diese Guß-Gurke wollte ich keine "Verschwenden".
31 January 2013, 07:29

Moment, HK ist das neue Kfz-Kennzeichen für Soltau-Fallingbostel. Was hat das auf der 109 zu suchen? 😉
31 January 2013, 09:25

Hallo Holger,
die "Guss-Gurke" ist aber richtig schön geworden. 😉
20 December 2013, 05:24

I hope I can become an excellent modeler like yourself! Superb work!
19 May 2014, 20:42

very nice job! I have one of this to do, can you tell if there are any major fitting problem to deal? or any tips to share?
4 December 2014, 19:08

Dankeschön and thank you very much dudes!😄
Cesar, Its a nice lil kit but my exemplar was not complete. The molds are old and some detail was not casted. And dryfit the canopy, it does not fit in my case!😢
5 December 2014, 08:32

Ulf, Bill, Anthony, thank mya very much guys! Feels good to hear that!😢
6 December 2014, 14:02

Revell customer service will work with you to replace damaged or missing parts. I did a kit that did not include the figures and while it took them 6 months Revell did send them to me. It pisses me off that model manufacturers think they can get away with poor quality control because modelers view it as a challenge to make every kit work. You really did make it work and I applaud what you have done. I wish I could paint that well.
8 December 2014, 14:11

Guido & Curtis, sorry for the late reply...😳 Thanks Gents!
And Curtis, i agree with you regarding the sometimes poor Quality control of some manufracturers...
11 November 2015, 13:13

Revell's customer service is excellent. That is one reason I continue to build their kits. Plus the cost. I am building a 1/32 F4U-1 right now and with all the after market goodies, I still have less than 60.00 invested in it. And with a little work it will be a nice model. I like the Tamiya kits, but I can't afford 150.00-200.00 a kit. The most expensive one I have ever bought was my Italeri 1/32 104.
12 November 2015, 01:57

I had the F4U-1, too! It was my favorite kit with their F-14 in 32!
12 November 2015, 07:22
Album info
This was some nice exercise in painting for me. I didnt detailed it a lot because some of the parts where damaged or simply not molded...