Wiesel MK 20
5 September 2015, 16:57

As a big fan of the RH202, I have to say, this is a damn good piece. I'd like to build a Wiesel, but its so small.
5 September 2015, 20:51

Hey dudes, the for your comments! It was mostly a pleasure to build!
6 September 2015, 06:48

That is really nice work, Holger! Sehr schön! It looks very convincing 👍 👍
6 September 2015, 07:38

Wenn Nebel aus den Wiesen steigt, die Fledermaus das Wiesel geigt... 🙂
Excellent work Holger!
How is the quality compared to the Revell Kit ?
6 September 2015, 07:55

Thanks guys!🙂
Except for the pe's and the running gear, the Revell kit is far better! Fit is good with both kits. They are both recommendable!🙂
6 September 2015, 10:13

Da ist er ja! So klein, das man ihn kaum sieht. Wirklich gute Arbeit, Holger!!
7 September 2015, 10:25

Danke Arne! 🙂 Gerade das Pe bashing hat Spaß gemacht! Einige Ätzteile hatte ich noch vom AFF, die habe ich gleich mit verbaut.
7 September 2015, 14:43

So klein und darf schon Panzer sein? An den Wieseln hast du irgendwie nen Narren gefressen 🙂🙂🙂 Sehr schön einzig die Verstaubung gerade an der Gurtzuführung wirkt mir etwas unhomogen zum Rest des Panzers ansonsten 👍👍👍
9 September 2015, 15:46

Hi Jörg,
herzlichen Dank! Die "Verstaubung" ist ein lediglich zu starkes drybrushing mit Silber. Wollte ein paar Lackabplatzer simulieren aber da hab ich etwas übertrieben, wollte das dann aber auch nicht mehr ändern.🙂
Und ja, ich liebe meine Wieselchen😄
9 September 2015, 15:56

Now that does look cool Holly !!
It has an air of Warhammer 40K about it or some similar Sci Fi 🙂
11 March 2016, 15:57

Tolles Modell! Sieht sehr schön aus. Und was sehe ich, auch noch ein Wiesel vom FschJgBtl. 313. Na das find ich ja extra klasse ^^
11 March 2016, 17:27

From the measurements it really looks like warhammer, its so tiny!😄
Treue um Treue, Hobel! 313, meine Heimat! Hab den Wiesel so dargestellt wie ich Ihn von der Wildeshausener 5./ in Oldenburg bei der HvT Kaserne gesehen habe. Glück ab!😄
12 March 2016, 12:43

I just really like the face the turret has, squat mean and moody 🙂
I would probably widen the hips so the legs had a much wider stance, as wide as the turret itself for that hint of ape like cowboy kinda thing 😄
12 March 2016, 16:01

Hi Holger, your Wiesel is really well done 🙂 nice work.
I was wondering though, was there anything about the AFV kit that you didnt like? Now that your's is finished were there any PE, Resin or Metal upgrade sets that you think would be worth having for the build? I've really been thinking of getting one lately and really wanted to ask someone who has built one.
Thanks bud!
19 January 2017, 21:23

Hi Joey,
thank you very much!🙂 In this case i build just oob. The barrel is ok and dont need to be replaced. The tracks are made of rubber but thats absolutely ok. Wiesel track dont sag. Pe´s are from the box and you can work fine with ´em. I would only recommend some pe´s for the engine grill and the exhaust. On my Revell AFF Wiesel, i used the Revell/Eduard pe set which contains the necessary pe´s.
I definately recommend this kit! Its a quick build wit excellent fit! And dont wonder, on some of the sprues you can read: "Revell", as they wanted to rebox it but never did. If you have any further questions - just ask😢
20 January 2017, 08:57

Bart, Clifford sorry, i just saw your comments - THX for ´em! 😄
25 July 2017, 12:30