JS-7 BuildПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1April 25, 2017Added tie-down hoops (fine copper wire), weld beads (plastic strip melted with glue), grab irons (copper wire), and wired the canisters. 2April 25, 2017I didn't like the headlight guards, so I modified them based on photos of the real tank. 3April 25, 2017The kit doesn't provide four side panel hinges for each side, so I had to make two. Also added electrical wiring and guards. 4April 28, 2017Base colors applied (Model Master Acrylics) 5April 28, 2017Finis! Коментари16 January 2025, 15:57 - Album info1/35 Scale, TrumpeterJS-719 снимки1:35ЗавършенJS-7 Советская армия (Soviet Army 1946-1992)Prototype1948Light green Всички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »