Disston Tractor TankПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1February 14, 2023 2February 14, 2023 3February 14, 2023Not entirely happy with this print of the hull. I'm currently sanding it down, but I've lost rivet detail as a result... 4February 18, 2023Reprinted the hull after re-lubricating the z-axis on my printer. Still one artifact but much better than the last one I printed. 5February 26, 2023 6May 27, 2023I keep dropping it and breaking parts but it’s time to make some progress. 7May 29, 2023Glueing together the parts I’ve broken off. Fortunately I have a couple bad prints to use for parts. Used a 1/32 Japanese machine gun part to replace the broken off machine gun. 8May 29, 2023Grey, black, and red brown preshading, nato green and dark yellow color coat 9May 30, 2023Painted with oils 10May 31, 2023Pin wash 11June 2, 2023Track base coat of tamiya German grey + black 12June 3, 2023Rusting 13June 3, 2023Pastels + pencil 14June 3, 2023All parts assembled now 15June 3, 2023Added dust coat 16June 3, 2023Added dust coat 17June 6, 2023 18June 6, 2023 19June 6, 2023 20June 6, 2023 21June 6, 2023 22June 6, 2023 23June 6, 2023 24June 6, 2023 25October 5, 2023 Коментари17 December 2024, 16:26 - Album infoAfghan armor from the 1930s: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disston_Tractor_TankDisston Tractor Tank25 снимки1:35ЗавършенScratchbuiltВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »