Iranian Air Force (IIAF, IRIAF): MiG-29 9.12B and 9.5146763 - 6x 10mlColor infoName: Iranian Air Force (IIAF, IRIAF): MiG-29 9.12B and 9.51Color:46763Packaging:Box (6x 10ml)Range:AkanIncluded colors63010 Radio-transparent Gray (faded)Akan 10ml (Bottle)MattAcrylic Lacquer67304 Gray on the MiG-29 9.12B and 9.51 Iranian Air ForceAkan 10ml (Bottle)MattAcrylic Lacquer67305 Gray-blue on the MiG-29 9.12B and 9.51 Iranian Air ForceAkan 10ml (Bottle)MattAcrylic Lacquer67306 Blue on the MiG-9 9.12B and 9.51VBC IranAkan 10ml (Bottle)MattAcrylic Lacquer68071 Standard Black Semi GlossAkan 10ml (Bottle)SatinAcrylic Lacquer68070 Standard White Semi GlossAkan 10ml (Bottle)SatinAcrylic Lacquer