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Nejsou známy žádné in-box recenze Fiat G.91 Gina (#K48091) z Kinetic.
Stefano GaranziniIts incoming !!!
4th anniversary of Kinetic's April fool, still ppl believing It Will soon hit the market
10 March, 08:10
Rainer Mannif it as good as their Kinetic Gold kits, i am buying
2 26 September 2024, 13:36
AugieAt last!
Clifford KeeslerYes, I could go on and on and on. LOL. Mathijs, yes the Revell Jolly Green is terrible.
8 April 2021, 01:24
Mathijs BeenhakkerLike so many by Revell/italeri Clifford...Kits for kids
8 April 2021, 09:21
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