Creepy Spit
85 4 January 2024, 18:18

I decided to add the Yahu dashboard and a resin seat, so the canopy could stay open
7 January 2024, 10:46

HI Guy, good to see you
So, I invested in dashboard and seat just to lose the f***ing gunsight to the carpet monster 🙁
8 January 2024, 13:18

Welcome, glad to see you joining, I finished today spraying the main colours
26 January 2024, 20:26

Dental work on the decals- sharpen those incisors Ł, looks really impactful now!
29 January 2024, 21:26

Thx a lot for your support 👍
You were right A, I had to sharpen my incissors as the decal required some cuts to look like the original jaws.
In the meantime I managed to move the wheels into FUBAR status and need to order resin replacement (also because the original had covers - added the ref pic too)
Did some washing tonight too
3 February 2024, 20:17

Welcome my friends 🙂
So, I tried to make it dirty & sandy, I might have got carried away a bit 😄
Found interesting detail today - the prop spinner has different colour on both photos of the original I was able to find, but I'm going to stick to the white one
7 February 2024, 20:26

I tried to make it as grubby as I could 😄
Almost there, enjoy the teaser pics from today.
May I be able to get the 0,4mm needles tomorrow, I'm going to add them. If not, I'll skip them.
Been thinking of adding the mirror on top of the canopy, but it was meant as OOB build...
Not sure if the aerial is needed - boxart has it, but I can;t spot it on the photos - any Spitfire experts here?
8 February 2024, 20:58

Great progress. Regarding the aerial: I can't imagine a Spit operating without a radio in desert theatre. But, just my hunch. Whether the radio antenna was supported by a mast is another question.
9 February 2024, 13:51

Finished the project today, so you can behold all the shortcomings 😄
I need to get a thinner thread, this one is definitely too thick.
22 February 2024, 19:42

Wow, great work on that Spitfire, Łukasz! To me it isn't creepy, it is fun!
23 February 2024, 05:19

Oh wow, so much positive feedback, way more than I hoped for 😄 Thx a mil folks 👍
Perhaps 'looney' is a better wording, who knows? And I learned about Lenny's existence too, very educative thread it is 😄
23 February 2024, 12:42

Łukasz!, you can use Uschi thread or even elastic lycra thread (when stretched it becomes very thin). There is also very thin fishing line, or the clasic method to make it with stretched plastic by applying heat with a flame.
Great job. Congrats!
24 February 2024, 20:07

Many thanks mates, Uschi is hard to get in here, but I'm in progress of procuring a new thin thread. No, I won't risk exchanging it on this Spitfire 😉
28 February 2024, 19:14

Impressive result, Lukasz. Love the look of these desert spits. 👍👌👍 Congratulation!
20 March 2024, 12:13