21 January 2013, 19:08

Auhaueha...! Du ziehst ja vom Leder! Werden da noch Tamiya Original Teile gebraucht...?😉
Ich bleib bei OOTB mit minimalen (wenn überhaupt) Scratch-Modifikationen, aber... erst der JSU...
21 January 2013, 19:15

Hab gerade die Ätzteile abgeholt. Hab gedacht, daß es 1 Platine ist, mit denen ich ein paar Gitter ersetzen kann. Falsch gedacht. Es sind 4 Platinen!!! Aufkleber für die Instrumente und eine Maskierschablone. An der Karre soll jede Schraube und jede Niete ersetzt werden. Wat nu? Der Tank sollte eigentlich was Schnelles im Februar werden. Sozusagen eine 5-Minuten-Terrine. Jetzt wird es ein Projekt und wirft meine ganze Planung über den Haufen.
21 January 2013, 19:19

Hi Frank, ich geb Dir gerne etwas ab. 🙂 Ein paar nette Sachen sind dabei, aber ich wollte mir diese Arbeit nicht machen, eher auch ootb.
21 January 2013, 19:23

Ooooooooohhhh haaaaaaa!!
Finish date 2025 ! 😉
If you do the HMC M8 Howtizer ,the same work !! I got the M8 in my stash with the PE .
I only opened the instructions for the PE and decided that the Kit should have a rest for some years at the shelf. 🙂
Good luck Friend, and endurance!
21 January 2013, 19:29

Don't forget to replace the Magical tracks that the kit comes with!
21 January 2013, 20:07

Ob shit Acki!
I'll kneel in front of you, when we ever meet again!
Now you don't have a: ich Bau das mal eben!
21 January 2013, 20:54

@Markus: 2025 is the earliest year.
@Urban: You´re right. What do I do with the tracks..
@Frank: Need a great EDUARD-Update kit?
@Holger: I´ll be very old when this monster is done.
@All: I think this project will be an idea forever!
21 January 2013, 21:06

Hi Urban, I have to look at this T51 tracks. Thanks for the tip. I wanted to build this kit in 3 or 4 weeks. Now I need years.
Bill: I still can´t believe what I got today.
21 January 2013, 22:29

I've got a set of T51 tracklinks from my Academy M3 Stuart build in my spares box.
21 January 2013, 22:37

Question about the PE Acki: Will you be soldering it? If so, do you use a torch? I'm just getting into soldering and am using an electric tool but am thinking a butane torch may be the way to go. Your thoughts?
22 January 2013, 01:29

It's an effective method of solderin'. I've used a butane lighter with a storm torch flame in the past for solderin'.
22 January 2013, 05:24

Hi James, I´ll solder with an electrical tool. I think it´s better. you con bring the heat to the point you need.
22 January 2013, 06:35

Thanks urban and Acki!
@ Acki, I was thinking that the butane torch would give better precision without having to disturb the piece(s) that are going to be soldered together .....I've never used a butane torch so I really don't know....just seeking advise..
22 January 2013, 06:41

Next time i try to solder ,too! The idea that James give is a good reason to do it that way.
Perhaps a combination of both Methods.We will see.
Thanks Guys!
22 January 2013, 06:52

Tried soldering once, but obviously used the wrong tools and had no experience at all. Lots of solder, parts gone... May be I can learn a bit from you, girls and guys, and I might give it another try.
22 January 2013, 08:02

Time to come around Frank. We will solder here in Berlin. Bring your M5.
22 January 2013, 08:17

A 4 hours ride by car... No distance for an average Australian, but in DE. Let's see...
22 January 2013, 09:48

They'll fit as they're not T51 tracks at all but T16E1 or E2 tracks. I made an mistake earlier when I called 'em T51. Both the M3 n' the M5 had both T16E1 n' T16E2 tracks. Just PM me your adress n' they'll be on their way to you mate.
23 January 2013, 05:28

Urban sent me the tracks. Many, many thanks! Rundabout 400 pieces more....
28 January 2013, 19:08

Bah, what's 400 extra parts compared to all that PE? It's gonna be a walk in the park for you mate!
28 January 2013, 19:19

Urban, it's really kind of you to send him the tracks! That's what SCM means to me!
28 January 2013, 19:22

@Urban: You always keep "track" of your mates, that "links" us together.😉 👍
@Acki: I also got such a set, but for my M5 I canibalized the rubber tracks (not magical) of an Acedemy kit, which will follow later... with the AFV tracks... Those parts are really small.
28 January 2013, 19:41

@Arne: Acki could do only the left track, turn the tank and do the other left track...😉 😄 Right?
29 January 2013, 12:58

Proud to be left-handed. It comes from the heart and never does anything bad like the right hand! 🙂
29 January 2013, 16:38

Wow ,Acki.
When i begin to solder my PE´s ,i´ll ask you for some tips.
3 March 2013, 17:50

Thanks mates, very kind. Mike: you´re right. It´s a little bit more...I don´t want to see metal any more.
4 March 2013, 20:40

Glad, I didn't follow you with the PEs on the M5, Acki! I'm still fighting with the tiny parts of the 251.
4 March 2013, 22:04

Holger: Das würde dazu passen Youtube Video
Frank: es macht trotzdem (noch)Spaß.

4 March 2013, 22:27

C´mon Acki! Thats just some metal. You can tackle that! Or is it the tracks that stops you?
29 July 2014, 06:39