databáze modelování vlaků | správa kitníku
Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

Hughes MD500C Ilmavoimat


21 23 July 2014, 18:55
perry leung wai ho
Well done! i like it.
 24 July 2014, 08:50
Łukasz Gliński Autor
Thanks, it's incredibly small
 25 July 2014, 06:31
Excellent work!
 28 December 2024, 10:56
Hans Johansson
nice work looks good
 7 February, 14:18
Denis Dogadov
Rivets, like on a steam locomotive, would be better without them.
The stickers need to be glued onto a glossy varnish, then the base will not be visible.
The edges of the transparent parts must be painted over with a black marker so that they are not visible.
I'm not sure if there was an MD500C version in Finland, I only found information about the MD500D and E.
 7 February, 14:50
John Hughes
Got to like a model which is named after me! Not so sure about the incredibly small comment, though 🤣
1  7 February, 15:00
Łukasz Gliński Autor
Thank you Ekki, Hans & John. That must be fun John 😄
Dear Denis, I appreciate your frankness, however it might hamper your attempts to make friends on this page.
Your input in other topics as well makes me think you might be missing the most important element that makes this community standing out among other modelling forums.
The thing is, we understand not everyone has jeweller's steady hands, a Hawkeye sight of a watchmaker or simply can't afford better tools/materials, but they love to assemble model kits and to paint them.
This community is hobby-centered, not quality/prize focused - what brings us together is finding fun in not being perfect. And we're well aware of it.
I don't take an offence, at all, just to be clear.
But, back to the topic's context 🙂
The kit is mainly OOB, though it was my probably first attempt to scratchbuild anything - I added an extinguisher in the cockpit 😄 Thus, the rivets are OOB too.
The build has been finished in 2014 (or even earlier), by that time I couldn't afford either an airbrush nor proper reading glasses. Well, yes, from optician's point of view I should've given up this hobby before I started it 😄
The unit emblem is printed on paper, yes, such decals were not available by then down here and I really wanted the Ilmavoimat's MD500.
I don't think I even knew the difference between C & D variants, I might even not know it today 😄 I guess E is the pointy canopy one.
And last, but not least, yes I wasn't aware by that time that kits should be sealed with a varnish 😄 It has been added years later.
I understand some kits might seem too bad to be shown in public and offend your sense of aestethics, but this is the rule that doesn't apply here and I hope never will.
It's all about encouraging mates to have fun and improve (if possible) - sometimes it happens even if slowly, see my later builds. I also plan to build more MD500s in the future! 🙂
TL;DR, isn't it? 😄
Everyone, enjoy your weekend and don't forget to share your results, sharing is caring! 👍
2  7 February, 15:40
Well said Lukasz. 👍
And nice model as well. 🙂
 7 February, 16:31
Denis Dogadov
Dear Lukasz, I also appreciate your frankness, thank you.
I have been here recently, but I have already gained some experience and drawn conclusions. I have already been told that only laudatory reviews are allowed here, but I strongly disagree with this.
And as it turned out, I wasn't the only one, but my feedback and advice were useful to someone.
From experience on other sites, the most annoying thing is when no one pays attention to your work at all, it would be better to be scolded.When I started modeling, no one advised me anything, but it's a pity.Personally, I like learning from others.
I understand that nothing can be fixed on the finished model displayed here, but other people can see it (700-800 online...), they may remember something.
And I like to have fun too. 😊
 7 February, 16:37
Łukasz Gliński Autor
Well, I dare to disagree with you when it comes to the review approach. That's not the point actually, you see, it's all in the name (as they say): we are scalemates, not scalereviewers.
What's the difference, you may ask? Most of us is long enough in this hobby to know that nobody is more critical about the finished build than the builder her/himself.
Example? Nothing you pointed out was new for me regarding this little green bugger, if my memory was better it'd probably tell me even more things that I screwed while building it.
But I don't aim to be perfect and I never will be - actually it develops the other way around as the time goes by 😄
So, we try to be our best mates (recalling the name again) - supporting each other during the building phase and being friendly, cause we are aware that each of us can hear our internal critics every now and then very clearly.
I also dare to think that you haven't included whole your opinion on this MD500 - I believe you must have liked it for some reason, that made you to leave a comment.
Whatever it is - topic? scale? colour? background? It made you to stop by and have a look.
Why do I mention this? Because I believe there's also a positive side in your presence here, just hidden for the reasons I have no clue about (or "glue" as some of us say soemtimes).
I'm looking forward to seeing your comments under my albums, during the build pase in particular - just remember, these are models only and by definition it means a lot of compromises (and a lot of guessing too 😄)
And of course - we don't have neither to agree nor to implement our advices 👍
You know, we all have various approaches to our hobby - some build vintage kits, other build OOB, skip the corrections, hate rivets (me!) while others keep counting them - still it's the place for all of us I believe.
Well, dear Denis very late welcome from my side, hope you'll stay here as long as life allows you, I just encourage you to show us your bright side too 👍
Hope you'll enjoy this place and remember - take it easy! 👍
3  7 February, 18:53
Łukasz Gliński Autor
PS. The tail warning is paper too! 😄
 7 February, 18:54
Denis Dogadov
I wrote about rivets rather for myself, I have such a set, it is useful to look at other people's work...
 7 February, 18:55
Łukasz Gliński Autor
I have one more too and eyeing for more, for example for the Taiwanese ASW version sometimes
 7 February, 19:01
Alec K
Nice vintage build Łukasz 👍. I was going to post some of my earlier builds, looks like I better call an attorney to draft up a disclaimer… 😜🤣
That said, I am kinda sad Tim moved the album description to the bottom of the page (it used to be on the top, no?), I can't count the number of times authors had to answer questions they already wrote about in their album descriptions. .
3  8 February, 03:37
Years will pass and Łukasz will continue to prefer a vintage or hard kit rather than a more modern and less laborious one. This makes Ł unique in Scalemates 😉
I look forward to seeing those other MD500s you plan to build in the future. It's obvious how you've improved in your builds over time.
Congrats on that! 🙂👍
3  8 February, 19:02
Nice build Łukasz👍🏻! I have built this kit and it's ready for a paint job + decals, but I don't know what version I want to make.
 2 March, 00:31

Album info

Found the pictures on my HDD, forgot to add the model earlier on. Actually it has been built couple of years ago, 2006 or 7, painted with Humbrol enamels, decals are taken from stash, unit symbol is printed on a thin paper 🙂

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