Akula Attack SubmarineZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1December 31, 2015Pretty nice (and easy) model from Hobbyboss 2December 31, 2015Didn't like the photo-etch wind screen supplied with the kit. It had no windows! Built one out of paper-thin plastic sheet. 3December 31, 2015Added a little dash-board to the cockpit. 4December 31, 2015The communications array needed a little wire work. 5January 8, 2016 6January 8, 2016 7January 8, 2016 8January 8, 2016 9January 8, 2016 10January 8, 2016 11January 8, 2016 12January 8, 2016 13January 8, 2016 Komentáře1 March 2025, 21:13 - Project infoRussian Navy SSN Akula Submarine13 obrázky1:350DokončenoVšechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »