F-14A Tomcat or how to build a dream kit
22 September 2016, 15:57

Hm, not sure, but I think I have to comment here, to follow this build....
22 September 2016, 19:38

I'm in too. That must be a really nice kit. Wich version will you build? I would prefer the Jolly Rogers, VF-84. My favorite since i watched the Movie "The last Countdown".
22 September 2016, 20:47

Awesome, I didn't think the kit was released yet... I'm pulling a seat up front row and centre, I've got my cola and chips.😢
22 September 2016, 21:05

Mine is still on it's way so I'll have to look at your's. 😉
22 September 2016, 22:51

I'm in for this one as well and I hope that you'll go with the IRIAF version as there's something special with the Asia Minor camo scheme!
23 September 2016, 00:54

Thank you dudes! I´ll Keep you track with Infos about the kit and so much pix, i can make to Show you how cool the kit is!
23 September 2016, 07:00

I wonder why the assembly manual is looking like a prototype one? Did you get a "White Box"?
I agree on the great service at MBK!
23 September 2016, 07:53

Thomas, all i say is: Yes, MBK was very very very nice to me!😢
23 September 2016, 08:14

Fels good to have you all around! Thank you for watching and your nice comments. After Lunch i'm going back to the bench! 😄
24 September 2016, 09:50

13:44! Well after lunch!! Where are you? I am waiting at your bench!!
(in my dreams...) 😉
24 September 2016, 11:45

I like how you have your table set up Holier. Let the fun ensue!
24 September 2016, 13:20

After some hours of micro painting I managed to add some new pictures. Unfortunately I often get disturbed by my father who wants me to buy him Butter and other stuff for his kitchen 😄
24 September 2016, 15:02

Got the butter? Fine! Good boy!
Checking your progress now! Cannot wait...
24 September 2016, 15:30

The displays look awesome! Good job, Holger! I guess you will do some small corrections on the edges of the black panels?
24 September 2016, 15:31

Hello mates,
You can see close ups of the model in Tamiya's new vlog on their channel:
Youtube Video

24 September 2016, 15:37

Thx Cortex!😢
Thomas, i'l giva all some time to dry and do corrections and tough ups. But the canopy will be closed, so no more detailing will follow.
24 September 2016, 15:52

I added a lil wash... Incredible what depht it makes...
24 September 2016, 17:15

The fit of this kit is simply unbelievable. .. the pit sidewalls flush into... impressive!
24 September 2016, 17:45

I cranked up Slayers Reighn in blood and do some corrections, whilst i have a beer. Live is great sometimes 😄
24 September 2016, 21:05

A really nice start Holger. Looking forward to the next pics. Keep it up
24 September 2016, 23:23

Great start! I will be watching your progress closely. I am a bit jealous you got yours already! 🙂
25 September 2016, 01:30

Guys make sure you get a copy! The fit is positively unreal! And please don't be jealous, this is the first and last time that i'm so Lucky to have such a great kit. I promise; )
25 September 2016, 07:40

And yeah, wie das Modell, so daß Jever! Friesisch herb!😄😄
25 September 2016, 07:41

Will be watching this thread. It seems it going to be an epic build. (
Although I'm 72 mate)
25 September 2016, 09:39

It is funny, how a RC cars company regularly put all other model companies to shame.
25 September 2016, 09:40

Really impressive the way it all fits so nicely together, and great looking cockpit to Holly.👍
25 September 2016, 09:51

You people are all so kind! You make me blush!And in about an hour i can start again. Yesterday i painted the lower cockpitframing. It just fell in place with no glue. Absolutely perfect!
26 September 2016, 14:44

Now i will give the nose gear bay a wash, i totally forgot to make pix of it. Its made of 8 (!) parts and fits so well... 😄
26 September 2016, 14:46

Holger 🙂 this is a nice cat so far - I´m a little bit jealous about the kit... and the Jever
26 September 2016, 15:45

Holger, for me Jever and Astra arme the best choise when I'm up in the north 🙂
27 September 2016, 17:33

Stephan, you are welcome!🙂
Cliffy, do you mean the beer or the kit?😉 Regarding the beer, i can send you a sixpack. 😄
28 September 2016, 05:26

Just finished the swinging mechanism. Well done Tamiya!
28 September 2016, 16:48

typical Tamiya engineering....(Jever is good...kind of hard to get in The Netherlands, will have to stock up next time I'm in Germany)
28 September 2016, 16:50

There are a lot of nice beers to obtain in The Netherlands also. But Wim, just holler and I will get some if I visit my favourite hobby shop in Aachen just across the border. Holger, in picture 19 I noticed some putty on the radome, is there a fit problem?
28 September 2016, 16:57

Hagel, thats a spot where the sprue was attached and i cutted to near, so a very very tiny bit of styrene broke out. Definately my personal fault!
28 September 2016, 17:08

Pfew.... So the kit is still living up to it's expectations? 😉
28 September 2016, 18:50

@Hagel: I go shopping in Germany on a regular basis, no worries....am curious about the hobby store in Aachen though..which one is it?
28 September 2016, 19:08

Modellcenter Hünerbein at the market square opposite the ancient town hall. I really like the friendly staff. But be aware, it can get crowded with tourists during the Weinachtsmarkt period.
28 September 2016, 22:03

Main gear bays are glued. This Methylethylketon is lovely. Sticks twice faster than Tamiya Thin...
29 September 2016, 18:47

You should be careful with that Methylethylketon, not the best of stuff. Wear a mask and be in a well ventilated area. Other than that your are doing a great job.
29 September 2016, 19:15

I'm more and more impressed by this detailed kit, even on the inside of the fuselage. Good work so far, Holger. Since almost ten Years i'm using Ethylacetat as glue. The parts are welded together almost instantly. The only exception is Superglue for PE's and Woodglue for clear Parts
29 September 2016, 19:47

I just went up in the Man Cave before going to the office. All parts are wonderful in place and i did a dry fit of the fuselage halves again.
Fit is incredible, as Mike says.👍
Andy, I tryed to get Ethylacetat at the pharmacy but they thought i would blow something up, so i didnt get it.😄
Maciej, you are right, i have to be careful and i try to avoid smoking when i use it!😢
Guys, i keep you informed. I predict that at 1700 german time, the glue will flow again.
30 September 2016, 06:14

Methylethylketon? What´s this? I have a bottle of quick setting Tamiya glue, is this the same?
30 September 2016, 06:53

Looking at your pics it is really impressive; each part looks Tamiya-perfection. Nice!
30 September 2016, 06:54

Hi Thomas! MEK is going in the direction of quick setting Tamiya stuff. But it sticks within 4 seconds. I´m applicating it with the tough n flow applicator. It welds the plastic in a way like Ethyacetat is doing. Got the Tip from Mike Kryza last Scalemates Meeting. It glues 4 times quicker than Tamiya Thin and burns better...😉
30 September 2016, 07:10

It will melt your frontal lobe too....we use a lot of the stuff in the lab I work at...ventilate!
30 September 2016, 07:37

Looks like a Nice Kit! Thanks for Showing us the build! Also... Nice to see another ashtray on the bench besides mine! Hahahah
30 September 2016, 08:57

Doesn't look like the typical Tamiyakit, but is seems excellent...
30 September 2016, 09:11

Also guilty for an ashtray, how many sigarettes that almost entirely burnt up likethat, i lost count, at least the money for a great kit. I glue with Tamiya extra thin, Plast-I-Weld, Revell contacta and pink ZAP, and nothing else.
30 September 2016, 12:42

Well, i just feel very comfortable when i can have a smoketime and something to drink, at the bench. It feels cozy. And when you have the dammit luck to have such a nice kit in front of you, you just feel like "Heaven, i´m in heaven..." 😄
30 September 2016, 12:51

No worries, buddy! Top Gun soundtrack runs up and down when i build it!😢
30 September 2016, 13:41

"I feel the need... the need for speed!" You guys make me to like American planes again and go back to eighties F-14 Tomcat.
30 September 2016, 14:45

For me the F-14 and the 747 stay the king ang the queen of the sky.
30 September 2016, 14:47

Screw it up and you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog sh*t out of Hong Kong
30 September 2016, 14:54

Mmmpff, simply a copy of the infamous and glorious Carrier based Gnat.....
30 September 2016, 15:28

You're doing great Holger. I'm watching 🙂 I didn't know this was released yet. Seeing this makes me want one myself!
1 October 2016, 14:31

@Julian: who knows they might, but how long did they take to scale their F-16 down... also there are 2 very recent 72nd scale tomcat releases in the Japanese market.
2 October 2016, 05:42

Very nice Holger, I will grab one as soon as they are avaviable in the U.S. Meanwhile I am working on an Academy A model TomCat.
3 October 2016, 00:16

Hey Clifford... Squadron has them now.@ 89 bucks and Big Kahuna Models on Ebay will have them on Tuesday...
3 October 2016, 03:01

Welcome guys! Actually the wings are attached and the belly is completed. I had some trouble with my white paint. The Tamiya paint became brittle, maybe its too old... The AK white took hours to dry and i didnt knew that. So i touched some parts, leaving fingerprints i didnt detected. On last sunday i saw them and tryed to erase ´em. It worked but still leaves a bad taste to me. Fortunately its in the main gear bay, so you´ll see them hardly.
3 January 2017, 12:39

Holger, pass mal auf dass die angekündigte Sturmflut dich und die Insel nicht aus dem Schlaf holt! Was sind da schon ein paar Fingerdabber? 🙂
3 January 2017, 21:01

@ Thomas: Das schöne ist ja, dass in diesem Fall wieder mal maßlos übertrieben wird. Es soll 9 Bf geben. Das ist noch easy. Und heute morgen auf dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit war es windig aber nicht unnormal, zu dieser Jahreszeit. Ungefähr wie bei "Das Boot" als die im Wind im Fahrstand stehen und den Atlantik anbrüllen. 😄😉
4 January 2017, 07:37

Tja, scheints sind die Nachrichtenschreiber einfach nicht nah genug an der Küste. Man sollte halt einfach gelegentlich die Menschen vor Ort fragen...
4 January 2017, 10:11

Ach herrje, das hab ich ja total übersehen, sorry Holgi, aber jetzt dabei ich bin👍👍👍
4 January 2017, 17:46

What kind of thinner did you used? Ordinarily these colours dry very fast ?!
31 January 2017, 17:14

Those figures should come up really nice when you paint them.👍
16 February 2017, 11:07

Hey you all mighty fine lads! Thanks a lot for your nice comments! Unfortunately my modeling time is VERY limited actually. With luck, i can do something at the Weekend. But mostly not...
Nevertheless this is a great kit and working on it is very enjoyable. 🙂
16 February 2017, 14:30

I am getting one YAHOO!!!. I have watched Scle-A-Thons build video on You tube about 10 times. Can't wait for it to get here.
16 February 2017, 22:53

Really nice progress.
Im still thking about buying it or waiting for the AMK kit. 🙂
17 February 2017, 10:02

Looks great. Question: metal screws ueed to assembly thE wings are include in the kit?
18 February 2017, 08:54

Youve done a great job building this one Holger, in fact youve sold me on the kit , I'll have to get one now. Looking forward to more photos.
26 February 2017, 05:33
Album info
Today (22.09.2016) i got a package from my favorite Hobbyshop. They knew that i would love to have the brand new Tamiya F-14. Thats what i call a special customer service! 😄 A big phat "Thank you" to Harald and Thomsen from www.Modellbau-König.de !
And now i dive into the box and and let you all see the beautiful and delicate surface details of this impressive kit and how i build it. I´m so f*cking happy! 😄