Op Glad IJs - On Thin Ice
2 2 October 2019, 11:13

Hi! Would be cool to see it with a Schwarzlose! That is seldomly seen!
2 October 2019, 11:24

Meng's Renault FT, but in Dutch service. The Dutch army bought 1(!) Renault FT to prove the viability of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (a defensive line, protected by a clever system of inundations, yet hopelessly obsoleted by new technology). Actually, the driver of the vehicle secretly got orders to have it bogged down every time, so the people were reassured in that they were safe.
I want to portray it while the trials on ice are executed during the winter of 1940. Sometimes the vehicle is shown with a Dutch build Schwarzlose MG, sometimes with just a front plate, and sometimes without, leaving a gaping hole.
2 October 2019, 11:24

@Holger True, but the pictures of this test shows the tank with just the plate, without gun.. :\
2 October 2019, 11:27

@Bob: Welcome aboard. Now busy constructing the internals (engine, transmission, etc...)
3 October 2019, 09:21

The first wip pictures are in place. Also did some weathering, since a tank after 12 or 13 years, including a almost sink in peat does leave its traces.
9 October 2019, 20:10

Some say I'm crazy, others that I am insane. Both sides are totally correct. 😛 50% in building the munitions racks of the Dutch Renault FT. Since the Dutch used non standard Schwarzlose MG, I decided to adapt the racks too. Each rack can hold 6 boxes, for which I figured straps where needed to keep them in place.
22 October 2019, 06:21

Closed up the vehicle, minus hatches. The rear hatch will be closed, though I might try and see if it can be made workable. Getting the side walls in place required some tender and loving force, not to mention persuasion.
4 November 2019, 13:54

The base layer is in place. tracks in the correct brown color. Now mentally preparing for weathering...
17 November 2019, 21:35

Aha, now I know why there is one of these (this one?) in the military museum at soesterberg, I never knew we ( Dutchlings) had any in service.......nice project!
17 November 2019, 21:39

In service is an overstatement. There was one for demonstration and test purposes. Yet, at the time of the invasion, it was sitting helplessly, without engine, in Haarlem. The Germans probably scrapped it.
Thanks for the compliment.
18 November 2019, 07:14

Some new stuff received, and toying around with the composition...
29 November 2019, 10:44

Thanks! I thought I was ready with it, until closer scrutiny revealed quite some mud on the running gear. So, I'll have to add that too...
2 December 2019, 10:53

Both the Dutch colonel and the tank crew are ready. I changed the heads of the crew for Wolf heads and modified the helmets to resemble the one in the Nederlands Militaire Museum. Also, one of the overalls (the left one) was too skinny, so I added a layer of putty to give it more bulk. According to a picture I found, the overall was tied around the waist by means of a thin belt. So the original broad one was removed and one made from lead was added. I painted the leather jacket black, since that is the color the ones used by motor ordinances, and added the sergeant stripes. I painted the walking cane as if made from bamboo, to refer to the colonial status of the Netherlands at the time. I hope you like it and questions or comments are welcome.
22 December 2019, 17:50

very nice work on the figures! on to the groundwork, looking forward to it
23 December 2019, 07:12

Thanks... I'm currently waiting for Ali, to delivery some acrylic chunks I ordered to represent the ice, before I can continue...
23 December 2019, 07:54

And so you should be! It is a real eye catcher and without the original pic I would never have believed it, one to be proud of....
6 April 2020, 16:47

I can imagine your reaction. It is a rather peculiar situation... 🙂 Thanks for the compliment...
6 April 2020, 18:04
Album info
Meng's Renault FT, but in Dutch service. The Dutch army bought 1(!) Renault FT to prove the viability of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (a defensive line, protected by a clever system of inundations, yet hopelessly obsoleted by new technology). Actually, the driver of the vehicle secretly got orders to have it bogged down every time, so the people were reassured in that they were safe.
I want to portray it while the trials on ice are executed during the winter of 1940. Sometimes the vehicle is shown with a Dutch build Schwarzlose MG, sometimes with just a front plate, and sometimes without, leaving a gaping hole.