The Neglected Kit Resurrection GroupbuildZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1November 27, 2019 2November 27, 2019 3January 4, 2020 4January 4, 2020 5January 4, 2020 6January 4, 2020 7January 4, 2020 8January 4, 2020 Komentáře27 November 2019, 20:31Project infoBack from the shelf of doom8 obrázky1:72DokončenoBoeing RAH-66 Comanche US Army Aviation Branch (1983-now)Black StencilsFS34031 Sestavení skupinyThe Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild1. Leden 2016 dokud 31. Prosinec 2020Všechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »