1/32 Scale Pony
January 11, 20202
January 11, 20203
January 26, 2020Right side of engine4
January 26, 2020Firewall5
January 26, 2020Underside6
January 26, 2020Left side7
January 27, 20208
February 1, 2020The extras I bought : weighted wheels,. 50 barrels and belts9
February 1, 2020The belts added to the pilot seat. Compare to the one with belts integrated....10
February 8, 2020The radio and battery with added details11
February 8, 2020Left side of cockpit area12
February 8, 2020Right side of cockpit area13
February 8, 2020Front of cockpit14
February 8, 2020Pilot chair in place15
February 9, 2020Whát a difference, these turned barrels...16
February 13, 2020FUBAR-ed parts 🙁17
February 23, 2020View of the underside of the wing. No difference between left and right here18
February 23, 2020Top view of the wings. The left will remain open like this.19
February 23, 2020Right side of the fuselage. This will be fully closed.20
February 23, 2020Left side of the fuselage. This will be kept open as well.21
March 2, 2020Wings and fuselage mated. Left side.22
March 2, 2020Wings and fuselage mated. Right side.23
March 8, 2020Held together by tape... ????24
March 8, 2020Base colors on. Not 100% perfect.25
March 8, 2020Yet, not dissatisfied.26
March 27, 2020Top left with innards of the wing showing.27
March 27, 2020Left side all opened up!28
March 27, 2020The bottom29
March 27, 20205 o'clock view30
March 27, 20208 o'clock view31
March 27, 202011 o'clock view32
March 27, 20202 o'clock view33
March 27, 2020Wheelwells.
17 February 2025, 11:23 -
Album info
My newly acquired 1/32 Scale P-51D Mustang. Awesome kit!
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