SAAF Canberra
34 15 May 2020, 18:41

That brings a lot of memories! Was one of bigger ZTS kits back in the days. Also made that one. Thanks for sharing!
24 May 2020, 09:18

You're welcome 🙂 Currently I'm rescribing it and started equipping the cockpit as it's completely empty and you can see right through it 🙂
24 May 2020, 13:35

Well, not intended as a high-end build, but to look nice on the shelf😉
10 June 2020, 19:17

Just read about an ex-pupil from the school where I teach who was shot down in a SAAF Canberra over Angola in 1979. Never found. RIP
10 June 2020, 19:33

Thanks, actually I still have to correct some of the lines, I'm not that great in rescribing. In the meantime I found some old F-16 parts and started scratching engine inlets with fans inside.
2 October 2020, 11:40

Nice, watching! I hope you have replacement decals because the present "Springbok" looks like "Springing Rabbits"
3 October 2020, 20:42

ZTS AKA Novo formely known as frog
Respect sir and i will follow... 👍 Great start
3 October 2020, 20:43

Yeah the ZTS decals are ridiculous indeed 😄
Luckily I managed to buy online the Frog decal set, which looks way better 🙂
I'm not going to build highly detailed kit anyway, but as Airfix and Xtrakits are hardly available, I decided to refurbish this one, by filling the holes and painting it nicely 🙂
4 October 2020, 07:55

Splendid work so far.... Started simple, went ... Where do I recognize this from
4 October 2020, 08:37

Welcome everyone. It's bit on hold lately, but I hope to go back to it soon 🙂
8 December 2020, 20:27

That wasn't easy, the old Humbrols are really strong beasts 😄 My usual way is to sink the kit in the warm water with granulated pipe cleaner. Works perfectly for acrylics and lacquers, however old enamels need usually some airbrush cleaner or paint remover (Wamod) and sometimes even sanding (ZTS rabbit roundels didn't react to anything else). My Thunderjet and Mirage underwent exactly the same process.
24 December 2020, 22:47

Coming in late, but… Looking really good mate. A lot of tlc going into this one 👍
16 June 2021, 13:45

Thank you mates, I really enjoy it and that colour is simply lovely 🙂
16 June 2021, 14:00

Thanks a lot mates for your comments. I just arrived back from holidays, waiting for the heat to ease a bit to continue 🙂
4 July 2021, 08:37

Looks really fantastic (but the ZTS Plastyk springbok was sooo cute...rabbit? 😉)
14 July 2021, 20:01

Thanks a lot. Yeah, the rabbit was sweet, wasn't it? 😛
Currently adding all the antennas under the tail. Reference is scarce, so I'm following this guy:
15 July 2021, 11:35

Gracias, I have found finally a good photo of '453' example, probably in PRU blue. It seems to have basic aerial setup and only the round fairing added under the tail comparing to delivery config. I'm going to follow it then.
I know it's got the gun pack, but I don't intend to scratchbuild it and I don't know the place to source it from 🙂
20 July 2021, 20:23

Need to hear your honest say regarding the wash. I used the grey Tamiya, but it seems too dark for me. What do you think mates?
1 August 2021, 09:54

Washing is really often a balancing act. I would also say that a slightly lighter wash would probably have sufficed. But that would still be too strong compared to the original image. On the other hand - at least in my eyes - the model would look boring if you applied almost no wash at all. However, that would correspond best to the original.
1 August 2021, 10:19

I am 100% with Bernd. The panel lines looked perfect in pic 32 IMHO, with addition of dark wash next to control surfaces. That said, panel washing is an artistic license and it's really up to you if you are happy with it or not. I know, NOT helpful… 😄
2 August 2021, 11:50

Thanks guys. Pic #32 was taken before the washing though 😄 I tried to brighten it up a bit, but failed. Most probably I'm going to leave it as it is to be honest, I'm afraid to break sth down 😄
2 August 2021, 12:00

Finished, I think. Will take some nice pics tomorrow, sunny weather is expected, perfect for SAAF plane.
20 August 2021, 21:25

I'm looking forward to the extra pictures! I started a Canberra build myself now - probably yours has been part of the inspiration!
21 August 2021, 06:19

Thank you mates. The sun was so bright in the morning, that my camera had problems focusing on target 🙂 Let me know in case you'd like to see it in more detail.
@Bernd: I'm jealous, still hunting for that Xtrakit. Is it any good? Will follow for sure, planning to build hemp PR.9 one day as well.
@Roland: I had to, I lost the original papers ages ago 😄
21 August 2021, 09:36

Just beautiful Lukasz! Wow!
Mission Resurrectiob succesfully accomplished👍👍👍
And what a nice background😉
21 August 2021, 10:09

Well done Łukasz! I didn't know that the cockpit was located eccentrically and not inline with the fuselage.
21 August 2021, 12:16

Well done rebuild. I didn't know the South Africans had these hangars too....
21 August 2021, 13:47

Thx a lot! Can you imagine Erik, they are virtually everywhere? 😉
21 August 2021, 14:10

Very nice restoration job, Łukasz!
And an original painting scheme 👍.
21 August 2021, 17:23

I like the Xtrakit up to now. It's in fact made by Sword for Xtrakit. I got it a few years ago at the official uses-model sale at Telford.
22 August 2021, 06:33

Thanks, much appreciated.
@Cuajete: I love that SAAF PRU blue schemes on their Canberras, Buccaneers, Piaggios and Shackletons.
@Bernd: Pity the Sword doesn't re-issue that kit 🙁 Wish I could go to Telford one day.
22 August 2021, 13:07

Airfix has couple of errors (described lovely in detail by Bill Gilman), which Xtrakit apparently lacks (for the price of the fit some say). Both being extremely hard to fetch.
22 August 2021, 18:13