What starts with "F" and ends with "-uck"? (*2)
91 13 December 2021, 21:25

Me 2... A bit too modern for my taste, but still how can one resist an airport vehicle in 1:72?!
14 December 2021, 19:15

Welcome the Fantastic 4! 🙂
Short update: started the biggest challenge - the cockpit assembly.
I started to deviate from the instructions too. After a lot of thinking decided to stick the windscreen decal on the inside and the side window framing on the outside. The "glass" is quite thick and I thought it'd look bad.
Next step - masking - in progress as I type this.
14 January 2022, 19:46

I consider the main spraying completed.
The more I look at the pics of the original truck, the more non-standard details need to be scratchbuilt at the very end - even the ladder is too short.
29 January 2022, 20:48

I have to admit this kit is frustratingly simplified - one of the proposed schemes in the box is Belgian F11 vehicle and I just found the pics of the original and I'm lost for words 😮
3 February 2022, 19:32

Ordered another Panther today 😄 Planning to steal some parts that are not included in the Stansted/Belgium boxing (namely sprue E) and to use it for the second kit for a more basic version based at Olsztyn airport.
7 February 2022, 19:30

Thank you and welcome mates!
Erik, the 'F11' Belgian decals are included, which enables you to build a yellow Panther, not so common in Europe.
But on the other hand the kit lacks many details specific for this example (F11), the biggest issue being the side barriers on the roof.
13 May 2022, 13:11

I think I will buy one to protect my Hercules . For the side barriers I will hone my 3D skills.
13 May 2022, 16:39

Welcome mates 🙂 No updates lately, but I plan to correct the striping soon and move to the roof details
24 May 2022, 10:09

Łukasz, I have been eyeing this model for a long time, in my opinion, everything turns out great!
16 August 2022, 15:28

Luckily there were no wheels attached when you were visiting me 😄
17 August 2022, 09:25

Thanks, waiting for the heat to withdraw to continue.
@Adam: that's why I took the yellow one 😄
17 August 2022, 12:08

Easy, they're not yet finished, lots of tiny details wait to be added still.
30 January 2023, 09:01

BTW - the titles on the side of one car are perhaps outdated now... The airport is: "Warszawa Radom" to the best of my knowledge 😄 😄 😄
31 January 2023, 14:49

It is indeed, but this vehicle has been transferred to Warsaw few years ago anyway 🙂
Still, the plan was to assign them to two most hideous airports in Poland 😄
Luckily both have/had at least one example of this particular 6x6 Panther.
31 January 2023, 15:53

I love to build firetrucks but this skill is way to small for me. Lovely project...
5 May 2023, 19:11

You should not be afraid of this kit too much, I just decided to add the specific modifications that Polish ones received.
Out-of-the-box build of the included liveries should be fairly quick and rewarding.
PS. What's the word starting with 'f" and ending with "uck"? 😛
5 May 2023, 19:20

lol. But my eyes are to bad to build on that scale. I loved it when I was younger. Had a train but was more from making the scenery at 1:160.
5 May 2023, 20:55

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel - hope it's not intercity train.
Adding the very last bits&pieces - orange lights, shackles, roof details. The roof contest being a guesswork mostly, nobody takes pics of Panther's roofs and each example has a different config.
Still, few details remain, namely: rear mirrors, exhaust pipes, sort of aerial above the windscreen and a bit of wash.
9 June 2023, 08:04

Glad you like it.
I added what I hope is the last scratchbuilt element - the antenna (?) above the windshield.
The Radom example has 3 little balls on top of it - sprinklers? cameras? lights? - it took a lots of swearing tonight to recreate it 😉
It's so small my camera's macro had problems to catch it
11 June 2023, 20:55

Finally across the finish line - what started as quick project ended up with extensive scratchbuilding
More pics tomorrow, in the daylight
13 June 2023, 20:45

Your perseverance gave impressive results, Łukasz! Waiting for the final photos!
14 June 2023, 04:41

Added the very last corrections today, covered the transparencies using the extremely shiny Chinese UV resin and here we go with the final pics - enjoy!
Just in time to go for holidays 😄
14 June 2023, 20:11

Thx, much appreciated 👍
Let's see if they look that good as a background too 😉
17 June 2023, 19:21

Lukasz, I see that n° 1 has louvres at the engine sides, while n° 2 has flat engine sides . Can you tell me which kit has the louvres and which one has the flat sides ?
8 May 2024, 15:37

Beautiful original and your models 👍
Some of those Rosenbauers were in use today in Ankara:
Youtube Video

8 May 2024, 16:06

Many thanks mates for digging up my little firetrucks 👍
Erik, I had to scrape them on the Olsztyn one, couldn't find a set with the flat ones.
However the Japanese boxing had many surplus parts, so you might want to check it out.
Bughunter, I heard sth on the news today, thx for the video. That's Istanbul, isn't it?
8 May 2024, 18:46