Mc Donnell F3-H2 Demon
January 24, 20222
May 9, 20223
January 13, 2022Getting started with the Aires McDonnell ejection seat. Some wire and tubing added.4
January 13, 20225
January 13, 20226
January 13, 20227
January 13, 2022Aires cockpit tub looks quite nice I guess8
January 13, 20229
January 24, 2022Airbreaks and arrestorhook - housing10
January 24, 2022Molded-on rudder base structure has to be removed -11
January 24, 2022and replaced by PE12
January 30, 2022After glueing the „cheeks“ (slightly overengineered into position it looked like this13
January 30, 202230 minutes later14
January 30, 2022Afterburner can primed and masked15
February 7, 2022Nosegear, LSO light and landinglight added.16
February 7, 202217
March 14, 2022First paint: Metalizer aluminum for the exhaust panels18
March 14, 2022First off white underside coat laid down19
April 8, 2022Pink base on20
April 8, 202221
April 8, 2022International Orange on, masks off22
April 8, 202223
April 10, 202224
April 10, 202225
April 10, 202226
April 18, 2022Coroguards on, insignia red for the insides of the airbrakes. Almost home27
April 18, 202228
April 18, 202229
April 23, 2022Brakes, wheels and walkways on30
April 23, 202231
April 23, 202232
April 23, 202233
April 30, 2022Decalling in progress, decals are quite a nightmare, brittle and delicate, but the endresult is not bad….34
May 2, 2022Washing done35
May 2, 202236
May 2, 202237
May 2, 202238
May 2, 202239
May 2, 202240
May 7, 202241
May 2, 202242
May 8, 2022Decaling done, all lettering and numbers were kindly supplied by Bernhard Schrock, many thanks !43
May 8, 202244
May 8, 202245
May 8, 202246
May 9, 2022Added the last finishing touches today. Calling this finally done !47
May 9, 202248
May 9, 202249
May 9, 202250
May 20, 2022
21 March 2025, 08:41 -