databáze modelování vlaků | správa kitníku
Erwin Leetink (Golikell)

La rencontre


Old meets new: a encounter between a Belgian dog cart and a French St. Chamond tank.

Inventář projektu

Kompletní modely
French Heavy Tank
St. Chamond Late Type
Takom 1:35
2012 2014 Nové díly
Factory Ruin
Verlinden Productions 1:35
Deatilní a konverzní sady
Gramophones & Radios
PlusModel 1:35
266 2008 Nová forma
WWI Belgian Dog drawn Cart with Crew
D-Day Miniature Studio 1:35
French Tank Crew, World War I Big Set (5 figures)
Stalingrad 1:35
S-1120 201* Model set
Corrugated Metal Sheet
Trophy Models 1:35
20021 1990 Nová forma


77 obrázky
La rencontre - The encounterView album, image #77
Projekt: La rencontre
1:35 WWI Belgian Dog drawn Cart with Crew (D-Day Miniature Studio 35107)1:35 French Tank Crew, World War I (Stalingrad S-1120)1:35 St. Chamond (Takom 2012)3+


6 20 March 2021, 17:38
Erwin Leetink
The next project is the encounter of a Belgian dog cart and the crew of a French St. Chaumont tank and their mount, resting next to a destroyed factory. The tank has been built and is in the progress of painting
The factory is also being taken care of. I painted the walls and tried to fabricate a window. Hard to find the right balance. How is this?
 25 May 2021, 20:59
Kerry COX
The French must have commissioned Pierre-Auguste Renoir to design the cammo for their armored vehicles. :-O
 25 May 2021, 21:59
Erwin Leetink
LOL... They had certainly one of the most colorfull camouflage patterns...
 26 May 2021, 09:07
Kerry COX
A pity their Generals were so reluctant to take it up to the Germans. !
 26 May 2021, 09:37
Erwin Leetink
The poilus were very unwilling to continue fighting as the stale mate mass slaughters were senseless. Then they come up with these unwielding behemoths... I read somewhere that, after encountering the French heavies, the Germans simply widened their trenches so they could not be crossed by them...
 26 May 2021, 11:46
Erwin Leetink
The hardest part of the tank is done: the rather odd camouflage the French used...
 28 June 2021, 08:20
Erwin Leetink
The base is fininshed, except for the sides.... but since I got the material to do so yesterday, that part will be done soon too...
 28 September 2021, 12:59