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Sopwith Camel seat

Brassin PRINT

Eduard | Nr. 648659 | 1:48

Boxart Sopwith Camel seat 648659 Eduard


9 Bilder
Sopwith SwallowView album, image #1
1:48 Sopwith F.1 Camel (Eduard 8060)1:48 Sopwith Swallow (SPIN model K4803)1:48 Le Rhone 9J (110 hp) Engine (Small Stuff 48106)8+
22 Bilder
Ship's Camel N6818View album, image #22
This model won a silver medal in the category "Planes 1:48" at the Euro Model Expo 2024.
1:48 Sopwith 2F.1 Camel (Eduard 82173)1:48 Sopwith Camel 2F.1 Lewis gun (Eduard 648725)1:48 Sopwith Camel Bentley engine (Eduard 648677)6+
14 Bilder
Sopwith 1½ Strutter fighter.View album, image #2
1:48 Sopwith 1½ Strutter two seat fighter (Roden 402)1:48 Sopwith Camel Clerget engine (Eduard 648676)1:48 Sopwith Camel seat (Eduard 648659)
15 Bilder
Sopwith Camel Comic B4614View album, image #1
1:48 Sopwith Camel Comic (Eduard 82175)1:48 Sopwith Camel Comic Lewis guns (Eduard 648726)1:48 Sopwith Camel seat (Eduard 648659)4+
19 Bilder
Armstrong Whitworth F.K.8 C.3549View album, image #1
1:48 Armstrong-Whitworth F.K.8 (Copper State Models CSM 1030 Premium)1:48 SE.5a Seatbelts (HGW Models 148553)1:48 Sopwith Camel seat (Eduard 648659)5+
20 Bilder
Downscaled original Airco DH-2 6000View album, image #20
This biplane pusher DH-2 won a bronze medal in the category Planes 1:48 at the Euro Model Expo 2024.
Projekt: Airco DH-2
1:48 Airco DH-2 (Eduard 8094)1:48 Gnome Monosoupape 9B-2 (100 hp) Engine (Small Stuff 48103)1:48 Resin Turnbuckles RAF (GasPatch Models 20-48235)6+
16 Bilder
Sopwith CamelView album, image #1
Projekt: Camel & Co.
1:48 Camel & Co. (Camel F-1) (Eduard 11151)1:48 Sopwith Camel Bentley engine (Eduard 648677)1:48 Sopwith Camel Rotherham air pumps (Eduard 648674)5+
28 Bilder
Sopwith Camel B2543, Hellenic Naval Air Service 1919.View album, image #20
1:48 Sopwith F.1 Camel (BR.1) (Eduard 82171)1:48 Sopwith Camel seat (Eduard 648659)