MAN 26.321 Formel 6
30 December 2016, 19:18

The orange stripe looks darker on the box 🙁
But the build is flawless!
20 January 2019, 19:30

nice Truck! i have build the same in my youth. he is in time in the office. 👍
20 January 2019, 21:26

Thanks, this is a build from a while ago.
Flawless it's not. The rear axle doesn't touch the ground and the glue was dry to fast when assembling the cab, so the gap between the bumper and the cab is too big. Which I noticed only the day after. For the rest it was a fun build.
The orange stripe is somewhat darker in real life, maybe because of the lighting I used.
More trucks coming in the future...
21 January 2019, 08:49

No Alex, I am up to my stones in trucks all day! I am not building a truck!
Done good Andy! Nice paint too! I had a drive of a 26 many years ago. I think it had a ZF box and a gear shift on the steering column. Brought back a memory or two!
21 January 2019, 11:31