OlivierHi Tini, Will you build the trailer too ?
11 February 2021, 22:51
Teeage AutorHi Olivier, i intended to build the M10 ammo trailer, but that isn't nowhere for sale anymore. But I saved a article from a magazine how to scratchbuilt an M8 trailer? So one of them it will be.
11 February 2021, 23:18
OlivierThis is going to be a beauty.
23 February 2021, 08:53
OlivierImpressive art work those grousers...
8 March 2021, 22:31
Teeage AutorThanks, Olivier. Blood, sweat and tears 😉
9 March 2021, 19:38
Palo MImpressive changes, watching.
12 March 2021, 06:43
Ben MVery nice!
21 March 2021, 17:28
Teeage AutorThanks, mates!
28 March 2021, 09:14
Rui SLooking great 👍
28 March 2021, 19:57
TomIncredible work Tini, a masterclass 👍
3 April 2021, 09:34
Teeage AutorGrazie
3 April 2021, 11:49
Mr JamesBrilliant... Great level of detail added and great paintig and weathering.
21 July 2023, 09:46
Teeage AutorThank you!
21 July 2023, 11:14
Teeage AutorThank you, it was a pleasure to build, not in the last place by adding the M10 trailer, who a mate printed for me
21 July 2023, 16:48
Ben MLooks great! I've always found the m8 to be an interesting subject as well.
21 July 2023, 18:14
PepeGran trabajo
21 July 2023, 18:25
OlivierGreat final result !
2 August 2023, 18:32
Simon NagorsnikGreat work! Really like it!
Excellent detailing work 👍
2 August 2023, 18:49