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Frank Molnar (HK307)

Revell Austin Healey 100-Six Gasser


3 24 March 2022, 23:45
John Thomas
Very cool
 24 March 2022, 23:54
Frank Molnar
Thanks, hopefully I'll get back to it soon and finish it 😁
 25 March 2022, 00:08

Album info

Using the Revell Austin Healey 100-Six repop. This build was started in October 2020, but stalled, and then was put aside. The engine is a parts box Ford 312ci Y-block, the wheels, tyres,
suspension and chassis is a combination of parts box and scratch built styrene. The body is painted in Acrylic Lacquer by SMS, Color Shift Black Hole. I'm hoping to get back to finishing it sometime soon.

17 Bilder
In Bearbeitung
1:25 Austin Healey 100-Six (Revell H-1217:139)

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