Chinese ZSL-92Ver : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1March 23, 2015This kit has great molding. All the little details are beautifully done. 2March 29, 2015All assembled and base coat applied... 3March 30, 2015Applying "Silly Putty" as a paint mask. 4April 2, 2015Light green applied. 5April 2, 2015Dark green applied and putty removed. 6April 7, 2015 7April 7, 2015 8April 7, 2015 9April 7, 2015 10April 7, 2015 11April 7, 2015 12April 7, 2015 Comentarios1 March 2025, 17:51 - Album infoWhat a fun little model!ZSL-92 IFV12 imágenes1:35TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »