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Philipp Groß (philipp_gross)

Tiger von Eschnapur


17 February 2025, 11:06 -

Album info

An early Tiger of s.Pz.Abt. 508, Italy 1944. Quite cheekily named after a German adventure film of the era.

35 imágenes
1:35 Tiger I Gruppe "Fehrmann" (Rye Field Model RM-5005)1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E early (Eduard 35976)1:35 Towing Cable for pzKpfw VI Tiger I (Eureka XXL ER-3502)1:35 Early Production Tiger I. (Bison Decals 35023)2+
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. H Tiger I
3R Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)
Tiger-KG Schwabbach 122 Tiger von Eschnapur
Febrero 1943 IT
RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown

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