S35E Draken Natural MetalVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1July 7, 2017Ready for some primer. I'll use AK Xtreme metal black base. 2July 10, 2017Primed and ready for some silver colour. As a base for the metal colour I will use AK Xtreme Metal Aluminium (AK 479). 3July 13, 2017 4July 15, 2017 5July 16, 2017 6July 21, 2017Enough of different tones of silver. Next step is to paint the intake and other details before it is time for the decals. 7July 25, 2017All details painted and a couple of coat of gloss varnish to make it ready for the decals. 8July 28, 2017 9July 28, 2017 10July 31, 2017A little extra shadow sprayed on various panels. For this I use highly diluted Tamiya X-19 Smoke. 11August 1, 2017 12August 26, 2017 13August 26, 2017All the parts painted and ready for the final assembly. 14August 26, 2017 15August 26, 2017 16August 26, 2017 17August 26, 2017 18August 26, 2017 19August 26, 2017 Comentarios30 March 2025, 06:32 - Project infoS35E Draken natural metal19 imágenes1:48TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »