The first, the last and the many: the Mk, IXb
March 4, 2023All the frames for the Mk. IXb are of an excellent quality. No flash, ejection points at places where they do no harm and all the frames have a clear letter to identify them, like this part is frame M2
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March 4, 2023The clear parts come with two different canopies. One bulged and one less bulged. Because the production process gives a slight seam in the canopy of the bulged one, there is an alternative without seam and less bulged.6
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March 4, 202310
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March 4, 2023They also arranged parts to go together in frame. This frame, K, has the parts for the engines.12
March 4, 2023There are some parts which are not used so will there be another version?13
March 4, 2023The two engines: the front of the Mk. IX and the rear of the Mk. V Quite a diffenrence!14
March 4, 2023The engine parts for the Mk. V15
March 4, 2023And for the Mk. IX16
March 4, 2023All the parts for the cockpit.17
March 4, 2023The handle for the emergency undercarriage control on the left and the pump for the windscreen de-icer on the right18
March 4, 2023The instrument panel. The decals are marvellous, even better than many aftermarket sets.19
March 4, 2023The seat with aftermarket seat belts20
March 4, 2023Starboard side of the cockpit21
March 4, 202322
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March 4, 2023Even three spare bulbs for the reflector sight are present24
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March 4, 2023The sparelights, the wobble pump and the external connector29
March 4, 202330
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March 4, 2023A screenshot of a Spitfire Mk. IX in Microsoft Flight Simulator, What is more fun than flying your own Spit. And yes, she is a handful: because of the powerful engine and the narrow undercarriage, she has a tendency to swerve to the right on the ground and once airborne, roll to the right. My first take-offs ended in a crash but I'm beginning to learn.32
March 4, 2023The engine and propcontrol. an excellent example of how to paint the model33
March 4, 2023The undercarriage emergency system and the windscreen de-icing system in MSFS.34
March 9, 2023The two fuselages together35
March 26, 2024The two wings compared. Top the Mk.V and bottom the Mk.IX36
March 26, 2024Wing and fuselage joined together. Lots of detail!37
March 26, 2024The upper wing half in place. Gunbays clearly visible38
March 26, 2024The two Spits together39
March 26, 2024The engine bearers with the coolant tubes. It takes a lot of patience but with a little pushing and turning, they suddenly drop in place, No need to cut them up into pieces, the fit is perfect!40
March 26, 2024The engine firewall with engine bearers in place. All the pipework is visible41
March 26, 2024The bearers awaiting the engine42
March 26, 2024The engine in place43
March 26, 2024The engine in its place44
March 26, 2024The other side of the engine. Still a little touching up to do.45
April 4, 2024The top colour applied46
April 4, 2024Almost ready, the spinner is too red, should be more orange red47
April 4, 2024top view, awating the decals48
April 4, 2024And finished! Only need some magnets too make the panels fit a bit better. But without panels the model is also very nice49
April 4, 2024And the other side. With a light red spinner. A nice story behind this aircraft. It is in fact the MJ271, but for museum purposes they use this serial. It was almost a wreck, but it was sold to Duxford. They stored it for many years, which didn't much good. But eventually it was restored as the Silver Spitfire. This Spit flew in 2019 around the world a also landed at Lelystad airport, where she had rested in a museum for many years!50
July 31, 202451
July 31, 202452
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July 31, 202454
July 31, 202455
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July 31, 202457
July 31, 202458
July 31, 202459
July 31, 2024
10 4 March 2023, 18:50
Project info
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