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North American Mustang P-51D

U.S. Army Fighter

Hasegawa | No. A12 | 1:72

Boxart Mustang P-51D A12 Hasegawa


25 kuvien
P-51D Mustang makeover View album, image #22
stencilled using the excellent "Foxbots".
projekti: Mustang Sally!
1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)1:72 P-51 Mustang (Foxbot FD72-046)
2 kuvien
COIN PONYView album, image #1
1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)
10 kuvien
NA P-51 Mustang AMI in SomaliaView album, image #2
AMI Mustang in Somalia Picture from the publication "Il Corpo di Sicurezza della Somalia" by Vincenzo Meleca
1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)1:72 P-51D Mustang (Part S72-146)1:72 P-51D/K Mustang late version + vacu canopies (Pavla Models C72035)3+
3 kuvien
F-6C Section 8View album, image #1
1:72 North American P-51B Mustang (Airfix 02083)1:72 Mustang P-51A (Mk.2) Fighter reconnaissance (FROG F196)1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)
3 kuvien
Mustang P-51D North American-4-HZG-MTGView album, image #1
1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)1:72 The Mustangs (Armycast M&M ACD 72034)