June 15, 2017Fuselage parts2
June 15, 2017Clear parts3
June 15, 2017Frame A4
June 15, 2017Frame B5
June 15, 2017Frame C6
June 15, 2017Frames E and G7
June 15, 2017Seat parts prior to assembly8
June 15, 2017Kit seat assembled9
June 15, 2017Engine exhausts assembled10
June 15, 2017Engine exhausts assembled11
June 15, 2017Cockpit and seat painted, drybrushed and detail painted12
June 15, 2017Seat with etch seatbelts and ejection handle added13
June 15, 2017Seat with etch seatbelts and ejection handle added14
June 15, 2017Seat with etch seatbelts and ejection handle added15
June 16, 2017Strange protrusions on upper surface16
June 16, 2017Strange protrusions on upper surface17
June 25, 2017There were ejector pin marks on the inside of the intakes. These were sanded smooth prior to assembly.18
June 25, 2017Intake lips were also thinned prior to assembly. There being no front end engine detail and intake trunking this work may all have been in vain as I might make some intake blanks like those on my Tornado19
July 11, 2017Cockpit fitted20
July 11, 2017View of cockpit from the other side21
July 11, 2017Drop tanks assembled and cleaned up22
July 11, 2017Another view of drop tanks23
July 11, 2017Pylons for the drop tanks with wire pins fitted to help secure the drop tanks24
July 11, 2017Main wheels assembled. Unusual for them to be in two halves these days!25
July 11, 2017Main undercarriage bay.26
July 11, 2017Main undercarriage bay primed in black and then a light grey misted on to create some shading27
July 11, 2017Details in main undercarriage bay painted28
July 25, 2017Main undercarriage bay fully painted and with a wash added in the recesses.29
July 11, 2017The nosewheel bay needed some filler and sanding to make a smooth joint. Time spent on this area will be well spent. Thanks Ricardo for the heads up!30
July 11, 2017Nosewheel bay received the same treatment as the main bay.31
July 11, 2017Another view of the nose bay. You can just see the buddy refuelling pod in the background.32
July 11, 2017Nosewheel bay details painted. Not necessarily accurate but it adds some interest.33
July 25, 2017Main undercarriage bay fitted along with the undercarriage legs. A good strong method of securing the legs. However, strange in that they can't be fitted prior to or after fitting the bay. They have to be inserted through the fuselage into the bay.34
July 25, 2017Once inserted through the fuselage they can be glued into the bay and then the bay glued to the fuselage. Unusual but makes for a strong fixing.35
August 6, 2017Fuselage halves glued together and joint cleaned up. Only a small amount of filler needed.36
August 6, 2017Arrestor hook glued on.37
August 6, 2017Radome added and cleaned up. Small amount of filler needed.38
August 24, 2017Intake covered in foil to make intake blanks.39
August 24, 2017Foil covered in tissue and diluted PVA glue.40
August 24, 2017Excess foil trimmed off.41
August 24, 2017Shape of intake blank marked out.42
August 24, 2017Intake blank trimmed to final size and test fitted.43
August 24, 2017Couple of coats of red and they look the part.44
August 24, 2017Test fitted to model.45
August 24, 2017Another view of blanks test fitted.46
August 24, 2017And one more for good measure.47
August 24, 2017View of intakes fitted which required a fair amount of filler.48
August 24, 2017Another shot of the fitted intakes.49
August 24, 201750
September 21, 2017Fuselage ready for priming51
September 21, 2017Parts ready for priming52
September 21, 2017Parts ready for priming53
September 21, 2017Parts ready for priming54
October 6, 2017Fuselage primed in white and black pre-shading added.55
November 5, 2017Fuel tanks primed in white and black pre-shading added.56
October 6, 2017Missiles and buddy pod sprayed white.57
October 6, 2017Fuel tanks sprayed with Xtracrylic XA1133 Neutral Grey FS16270.58
October 6, 2017Fuselage sprayed with Xtracrylic XA1133 Neutral Grey FS16270.59
October 6, 2017Another shot of the fuselage.60
October 6, 2017Close up of the fuselage.61
October 21, 2017Fuselage glossed ready for decals62
October 21, 2017Underwing tanks glossed ready for decals63
October 21, 2017Decals going on64
November 5, 2017National Insignia over sprayed with well thinned base colour to tone them down.65
November 5, 2017Engine exhausts weathered and dirtied.66
November 5, 2017Starting to panel line the fuselage.67
November 5, 2017One side done.68
November 5, 2017Upper surfaces weathered.69
November 5, 2017Lower surfaces weathered70
November 5, 2017Engines and foreplanes added.71
November 5, 2017Starting to attach the final parts.
15 June 2017, 19:40

Hi Oleg. I used the AK Paneliner set for grey and blue camouflage. Worked really well.
8 November 2017, 16:35

@Oleg. If it's the Hobbyboss one you wont be disappointed.
8 November 2017, 20:57
Project info
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