January 22, 20222
January 22, 20223
January 22, 20224
January 22, 20225
January 22, 2022Carefull cleaning up6
January 22, 20227
January 24, 20228
January 26, 2022Battub ready, time for details.
The black glue is cy glue from AK with rubber particles. Should be a kind of flexible. It glues well and you can see where the glue is. (Also on the fingers ??.9
January 28, 2022Fenders done. Quite a job, getting the fuelpipes from the sprues. But I managed10
January 28, 2022Ready, onwards with the cupola11
February 1, 202212
February 8, 2022Cupola build13
February 15, 2022Primered (AK 3rd gen)14
February 15, 2022Preshaded15
February 15, 2022Base Russian Green16
February 19, 2022At last, tracks ready17
February 19, 2022The scenario, T-55 accidentally in West-Germany near Berlin.
Berlin Police is at the scene. They wear the 1947 uniform with black tschako.
Grandad tells his story, while grandmum amuses herself with the Russians.
Policecar blocks the way18
February 19, 2022German Moor19
February 19, 2022For the dio20
February 19, 2022Coneheads, I have to scratch the black tschakos21
February 19, 202222
February 19, 202223
February 28, 2022Working on the Beetle now, still waiting for the tank tracks.
The tschakos (the black policehat)as good as finished. still no idea how to make the policestern on the hat.24
March 5, 2022Figures primered, the heads of the tank crew and policemen are Hornet25
March 7, 2022So, final verdict. It will be the Käfer 1200 from Aitfix, with Rightsteering dashboard, which I displeced with an European one with policeradio.
I cut the door open, as I want to let it look like a quickly left car26
March 19, 202227
March 19, 2022Trumpeter workable tracks. A lot of cutting loose and cleaning up28
March 29, 202229
March 31, 2022Tracks are on, sprayed the whole tank with a matt cote30
March 31, 2022How small a beetle looks besides it31
March 31, 2022Sprayed the fenders white, the figures black and then zenithal white from above32
April 11, 2022Polizeigrün33
May 1, 202234
May 1, 202235
May 2, 2022First wash36
May 2, 2022First wash37
May 6, 202238
May 6, 202239
May 6, 2022Some sand and road dust washes and tried the crew on board40
May 9, 202241
May 9, 202242
July 21, 202343
July 21, 2023
10 March 2025, 18:59 -