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Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

albumit (161)

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Viimeisimmät projekti-albumit

23 kuvien
Neutral ShturmovikView album, image #22
Correcting the halftone
projekti: C-36
1:72 EFW C-3603 in service WWII (Kora Models 72159)1:72 Swiss AF Insignia (Mark I DMK7225)
23 kuvien
IAR 80 #42View album, image #21
Spraying completed
projekti: IAR 80
1:72 IAR.80 early & IAR.80A (IBG Models 72565)1:72 I.A.R.80/81 Painting Masks (IBG Models 72M009)
12 kuvien
Fuji T-1View album, image #11
projekti: T-1
1:72 Fuji T-1A/B w/Tractor (Hasegawa 02364)
36 kuvien
ToniView album, image #28
projekti: Toni
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf-109T (Aeroplast 90019)1:72 Bf 109 E-3 - E-9, T Armament Set (Master AM-72-009)1:72 Bf 109E - Seat w/ Safety Belts (Quickboost QB 72 401)1+
24 kuvien
Polish Mustang III (316 Sqn RAF)View album, image #14
1:72 P-51 Mustang III R.A.F. (Revell 04167)1:72 P-51B/C Mustang Wheels (CMK Q72119)1:72 P-51B Mustang (Eduard SS105)1+
13 kuvien
F-16 KLu - Farewell (J-015)View album, image #13
The results of the first evening of decalling, the stabiliser decal is still drying
1:72 F-16 Mlu (Revell 03980)1:72 F-16 Fighting Falcon - Pitot Tube & Angle of Attack Probes (Master AM-72-008)1:72 F-16 MLU Painting mask (Clear Prop! CPA72039)4+
32 kuvien
Thai HawkView album, image #28
projekti: H-75N Thai Hawk
1:72 H-75N Hawk (Clear Prop! CP72022)1:72 Hawk H-75 M/N/O Pitot tube (Clear Prop! CPA72058)1:72 H-75 M/N/O Hawk (Clear Prop! CPA72067)2+

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Muut albumit

91 kuvien
Bytom 2025View album, image #1
53 kuvien
Other stuffView album, image #25
89 kuvien
Wrocław Model Show 2023View album, image #53
36 kuvien
Lietuvos Aviacijos Muziejus (Kaunas)View album, image #25
The main building being extended in the background.
52 kuvien
Rīgas Aviācijas Tehnikas Muzejs (Skulte)View album, image #4
82 kuvien
Antidotum Air Show - Leszno, PL, 2021-06-19View album, image #55
29 kuvien
Peenemünde 2020View album, image #1
67 kuvien
Dny NATO, Ostrava, CZ, 21 Sep 2019View album, image #16
27 kuvien
Magyar Gripen D #43View album, image #1
88 kuvien
OC Air Show 2019 (15th June 2019)View album, image #62
USN "Blue Angels" (F/A-18C Hornet)
65 kuvien
Aviatická pouť 2018 (Pardubice, CZ)View album, image #46
35 kuvien
TS-11 WalkaroundView album, image #1
52 kuvien
RIAT 2017 (Saturday)View album, image #1
A-400M in the rain
36 kuvien
Mi-28 in foreign serviceView album, image #1
4 kuvien
My tugsView album, image #2
25 kuvien
Maritime Museum of CreteView album, image #1
49 kuvien
CIAF 2015View album, image #5