Cromwell IV TankAirfix | N° A02338 | 1:76Projets10 imagesAirfix 1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV1:76Projet: Airfix 1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV10 imagesCromwell IV1:76Projet: Cromwell IV1 imagesCromwell IV1:76Projet: Cromwell IV7 imagesAifix Battle pack1:72Projet: Aifix Battle pack5 imagesCromwell1:76Projet: Cromwell IV Tank13 imagesScammel tank transporter with Cromwell tank1:76Projet: Scammel tank transporter with Cromwell tank6 images1/76 Airfix Cromwell Vignette1:76Projet: 1/76 Cromwell Vignette2 imagesAirfix Cromwell 1/761:76Highlighting completeProjet: Airfix Cromwell9 images"Halt! Tiger Ahead!"1:76Projet: Cromwell IV Tank4 imagesAirfix Cromwell Mk. IV1:76Projet: Abtransport7 images Czołg Cromwell IV Airfix1:76Projet: Cromwell IV Tank