base de données de modèle ferroviaire | gestionnaire d'inventaire

Cromwell Mk.IV

Airfix | N° A68212 | 1:76

Boxart Cromwell Mk.IV A68212 Airfix


10 images
ThingView album, image #1
I first painted the Cromwell by airbrushing the paint from the kit, but the paint sucked, then I added the decals I made...
1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV (Airfix A68212)
14 images
Airfix Starter Cromwell View album, image #2
Out the box
Projet: Cromwell MK4
1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV (Airfix A68212)
34 images
Small Scale ArmourView album, image #9
1:76 Panther Tank (Airfix A01302V)1:76 StuG III 75mm Assault Gun (Airfix A01306V)1:76 Russian T34 (Airfix A01316V)12+
4 images
Airfix 1:76 Cromwell (my 2nd adult build)View album, image #1
1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV (Airfix A68212)
6 images
Cromwell Mk.IV 1/76 AirfixView album, image #6
1:76 Cromwell Mk.IV (Airfix A68212)1:76 WWII British Tank Crew - Berets (3Djson )