I-16 Type 24ProfiPack EditionEduard | N° 8149 | 1:48Projets4 imagesPolikarpov I-16 Type 241:48Projet: I-16 Type 2415 imagesPolikarpov I-16 type 241:48Projet: Polikarpov I-16 type 2410 imagesPolikarpov I-161:48Projet: Polikarpov I-166 imagesA donkey makes an ass out of me, or how to make a hash of Eduards I-16.1:48Projet: how to make a hash of Eduards I-16.7 imagesPolikarpov I-161:48Projet: Polikarpov I-1611 imagesBurro1:48Projet: I-16 Type 2423 imagesBuilding1:48Projet: I-16 Type 248 imagesI-161:48Finished product. Not bad for my first model in 15+ years.Projet: I-16 Type 24