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M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry

Italeri | N° 6568 | 1:35

Boxart M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry 6568 Italeri


17 images
Italeri M4A1 76mm (w) ShermanView album, image #16
1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)
79 images
M4A1 with US ParasView album, image #76
1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)1:35 Vehicles Accessory Set (Tamiya 35229)
19 images
Tramway Ste.-Marie-sur-Mer - Saint-LôView album, image #18
1:35 French Cafe (MiniArt 35513)1:35 City Building (MiniArt 35503)1:35 Shop front (MK35 A098)42+
8 images
In The Mood II Operation Cobra. Village of Fromental Aug 17 1944View album, image #1
1:35 75mm Tank Ammo (Verlinden Productions 94)1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)
39 images
Italy 1943-45View album, image #32
M4 75mm Medium Tank, mid production, US Army 756th Tank Battalion, C Company, January 1944, Gustav Line, Rapido River, I...
1:35 M10 (Tamiya 35350)1:35 P40 (Tamiya 89792)1:35 Bishop Mk.I (Maquette 3551)18+
4 images
7th Armored Brigade, Royal Tank Corps WWII.View album, image #2
Sherman IIA, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, Gothic Line, Northern Italy, December 1944. The Sherman IIA (M4A1 w/ 76mm gun) wa...
1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)1:35 Sherman V (M4A4) (Tasca 35-016)1:35 A13 Mk.II Cruiser Tank Mk.IVA (Bronco CB35029)
24 images
M4A1View album, image #18
1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)