German 2cm KwK 30 L/55 Barrelfor Panzer II, SdKfz. 231/232RB Model | N° 35B25 | 1:35Projets17 imagesPzKpfw II ausf.D1:35Projet: PzKpfw II ausf.D - 1939 "Fall Weiß"1+56 imagesMeeting in Africa1:35Projet: Meeting in Africa3+17 imagesExcuse me, have you seen any Russians?1:35Projet: Excuse me, have you seen any Russians?1+8 imagesPzKpfW II Ausf. c 1:35Projet: Panzer II France 194019 imagesPanzer II Ausf. A, France 19401:35Projet: Panzer II Ausf. A, France 19404+10 imagesPanzer II1:35The Bronco tracks make the Tamiya tracks look clunkyProjet: Tamiya Panzer II DAK4+