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Ben M
Ben M

Halve Maen


10 29 September, 22:28
Ben M
Hmm. I realize now I should have painted the deck first. It's my first ship.
 30 September, 01:03
Good grief this kit is older than me. I thought it was just dinosaurs which are older than me. 😄
Interested to see what you can do with it.
 14 December, 09:38
Martin Oostrom
And people actually crossed oceans in these oversized bathtubs
 14 December, 12:14
Ben M
Yeah this kit is one of the oldest I've built. Still, going to try to make it look good.
 14 December, 14:46
Robert Podkoński
 14 December, 15:10
Jan Peters
It looks quite toy like, but it is a cool subject.
Will follow this 👀
 14 December, 15:14
Ben M
This is a very helpful reference: Youtube Video
 14 December, 15:26
The video was fascinating, thanks for posting.
 14 December, 16:22

Album info

Henry Hudson's ship, sponsored by the Netherlands East India Company. He was looking for the northwest passage, and instead explored what is now New York.

7 images
En cours
1:170 Half Moon Sailing Ship (Lindberg 208)

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