Ford of the Motor Machine Gun Service (1917)
29 January 2014, 22:05

Thanks Frank! A simple little model like this needed something more than just olive drab 🙂
29 January 2014, 22:14

It's as if one could jump right in and have some fun in a traffic jam!
29 January 2014, 22:15

pretty nice tin lizzy 👍...
I think I have to do some more WWI/20/30ies stuff... the camos are always something differnt...
29 January 2014, 22:19

Lots of new WWI stuff coming on the market, Fabian. I think the French and Germans had the most interesting camo on vehicles.
30 January 2014, 00:09

the "Buntfarbenanstrich" from the Reichswerhr is one of my favourites...
strange... would have never expectet that😉 MB hase released some nice 1:72 tanks, but I guess I have to wait a few more moths for bigger ones....
30 January 2014, 00:13

Now I like this, just shows you what can be achieved with a little imagination...
Excellent build George, love the camo'...
I hear it shouting>>> Dio', George, and a figure or two!!!
30 January 2014, 08:46

Thanks Mates! 🙂. I think a diorama would be fun, but does anybody make WWI figures out of styrene. I have some older Emhar stuff, but they're not "real" plastic. 🙁
30 January 2014, 14:10

Hi George...
Here's two for a start: Item - EMHAR 3501 British WW1 Infantry 12 x 1 35 Scale Plastic Figures WWI Tommies Item - EMHAR 3501 British WW1 Infantry 12 x 1 35 Scale Plastic Figures WWI Tommies
30 January 2014, 14:15

Here's everything:
30 January 2014, 14:18

very nice model, not the best kit around, but you made it rock...
27 August 2015, 13:20

Hi Georgie,how did you do those headlights below so shiny?
You have to teach me!
Love the correct colours,they are just to to dark or light!
And the steer is correct?it's not up side down?
13 September 2015, 09:56

Thanks Michaël and Christian! 🙂 Michaël, the wheel is correct as far as I can tell from old photos of Ford Model T's. All the light lenses are by MV Products. They make various sizes and colors for model railroad headlights, but they also work well on armor!
13 September 2015, 18:45

Hi George, another great model from a not so great quality kit (as said). Congratulations.
Can you tell us the brand of the paintmarker that you used? ( maybe a photo?) There is a ongoing discussion about using them.
Nice paint job as always.
16 September 2015, 12:00

Thanks Rui. I didn't use a paint marker. The lines were done with a fine point "Sharpie" permanent marker. 🙂 I use acylic paints and the Sharpie is alcohol based (I think). It takes a little practice so it doesn't "bleed."
16 September 2015, 21:00

Thanks Mike. It was a fun project, but a terrible little kit. 🙁
4 February 2016, 01:33
Album info
1/35 Scale RPM kit re-worked and modified