Junkers Ju88 G1 assemble
1 3 April 2014, 07:52

as an nightfighter addict count me in. by the way how is the kit is it good? because this is one of the planes still missing
3 April 2014, 08:47

looking good. My wife had a nice surprise for me she purchased the kit from e -bay it arrived today I am so glad she fully supprts me
15 April 2014, 13:41

Moin Gerald , iss ja mal meine Liga 🙂 gefällt mir wirklich , der Bau ist mehr als Überzeugend , und für meine Vorstellungen in einem Level wo ich noch lange üben muss 👍 👍 👍,
nur das "Spraying " , lässt sich die Farbe ( ich denke mal , das sind Vallejos ) nicht etwas mehr verdünnen ?
15 April 2014, 13:42

I am realy Lucky with her after a terribly car accident and after we both have been attacked by psychotic person in wich I was attacked with an knife and hot flat iron and received several injuries she is more than glad that I am picking up the pices and start modeling again.
16 April 2014, 07:38

@ Rob, reading your comments above. Verrry sad to read of your attack. This world is turning crazy, you mind your own business and people attack you. Even if you look at them "what are you looking at" and then trouble starts. Drugs... these man made drugs are all trouble. I'll stick to modelling for my highs. Wish you the best.
16 April 2014, 22:48

I see you fixed one of the biggest assembly problems of the Ju 88 Dragon kit very well!
Well done!
Well fixed!
3 May 2014, 17:24

Fantastic looking paint job, Gerald! I also really like the detail on the landing gear!
3 May 2014, 19:30