Typhoon ZY-Y
August 13, 2018My second Tiffy! This time with all covers closed. It saves a lot of time, because Airfix indicated which parts not to use for this model.2
August 13, 2018It even strikes me more this second time to see how perfect the model is. You could fit many parts without glue!3
August 13, 2018The cockpit under construction.4
August 13, 2018The seat in place.5
August 19, 2018The first time ever I painted a pilot! My wife painted the other pilots for the big kits and I didn't like to paint figures. But now I've got some for the Mosquito to paint.6
August 13, 2018The pilot in command.7
August 19, 2018The cockpit with wing spars8
August 19, 2018The wings beginning to take shape9
August 19, 2018Guns in place10
August 19, 2018Wingtips added11
August 19, 2018Wings are ready12
August 19, 2018The cowlings in place13
August 19, 2018The beautiful nose: just a little filling needed14
August 27, 2018A four bladed prop with red spinner this time.15
August 27, 2018My first attemp at preshading. Don't know if it works.16
September 23, 2018I used the metal rockets from Master.17
September 23, 2018The rockets are very good, including the pigtails18
September 23, 2018Lots of perfectly fitting pieces make eight nice rockets19
September 23, 2018The decals were a bit of a problem. Very thin an difficult to apply. Fortunately Master was kind enough to send me two sparesets of decals!20
September 23, 2018Read for the second colour. Unfortunately there is not much to be seen of the preshading, still have to learn a lot. But used blue-tac and this made nice soft edges.21
September 23, 2018Masking for the black and white stripes. I covered the whole aircraft, because somehow the paint always ends up in places where it shouldn't! I used aluminiumfoil, because this can very easily be applied, for example in the wheelwells.22
September 23, 2018THe first colour is on, now the black.23
September 23, 2018And the result: I was very pleased, because there was no overspray and hardly any creeping. On my previous Typhoon it took me hours to correct, but this time it was near perfect. Seems I've learned a bit.24
September 23, 2018And now readay for glosscoat and decals. The landing gear and the flaps have been fitted, the canopy sits in placce and only some small details need to be added.25
September 23, 2018Stateportrait of this beauty!26
October 8, 2018Almost finished! The beautiful rockets in place and the decals and black and white stripes.27
October 12, 2018The final result28
October 12, 2018Pilot in command29
October 12, 2018Brothers in arms. The colours differ a bit. The first time I picked my own Vallejo colours, the second time Vallejo issued a special RAF set and they are better30
October 12, 2018Armed and able31
October 12, 2018Side by side!
21 March 2025, 08:34 -
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This time a model with all covers closed, to show the beautiful lines of the Typhoon.
31 images