F-15 Strike Eagle 1/72Affichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1March 18, 2019 2March 18, 2019 3March 18, 2019 4March 18, 2019 5March 18, 2019 6March 18, 2019 Commentaires18 March 2019, 21:11David AndrsF-15 next to Eindecker puts things into perspective, right? 🙂 18 March 2019, 23:57Wouter Roerdink AuteurA long way between them and I couldn't resist to take a picture while building them both. 19 March 2019, 09:10Project infoF-15E Strike Eagle6 images1:72ComplétéMcDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle US Air Force (1947-now)AF 71-291Septembre 1980 F-15E Strike Eagle prototype demonstrator - Farnborough Airshow FS34092 FS34102 FS36081 Charcoal Lizard Tous les albumsVoir tous les albums »