base de données de modèle ferroviaire | gestionnaire d'inventaire
George Bacon (Gbmodeler)


January 7, 2014
January 21, 2014

Inventaire du projet

Maquettes complètes
Trumpeter 1:35
05556 2013 Nouvelles pièces

Albums photos

23 images
BMP-1PView album, image #1
Projet: BMP-1P IFV
1:35 BMP-1P IFV (Trumpeter 05556)
11 images
BMP-1P ( - Trumpeter)View album, image #1
Projet: BMP-1P IFV
1:35 BMP-1P IFV (Trumpeter 05556)


8 January 2014, 03:04
George Bacon Auteur
Time for some Cold War Soviet Iron. Hope this will be a well-engineered kit and interesting subject 🙂
 8 January 2014, 03:05
Hunter Cummins
Ahh never mind me lol cant wait to see it started 😄
Im getting a meng t 90 so I will wqtch this ome very closely 😄
 8 January 2014, 03:13
George Bacon Auteur
The T-90 sounds great! I've got the Zvezda version. It's sweet 😄
 8 January 2014, 03:44
Hunter Cummins
I know 😄😄 the meng version has wheel masks 😄😄 and I heard that the zevezda one is just as good 😄 mabey group build??😢😢😛 lol
 8 January 2014, 03:51
George Bacon Auteur
I could go for that...🙂
 8 January 2014, 03:54
Hunter Cummins
Sweet 😄
I will contact you soon about it 😄
But first I have to get it and finish some small things
Will you build this kit (or the brummar first)????
 8 January 2014, 04:09
George Bacon Auteur
I'm flexible, but I'm not really inspired to do the Brummbar right now...
 8 January 2014, 04:11
Hunter Cummins
Ok cool 😄 I will be getting my t90 before the weekend 🙂🙂
I will p.m. you tommorrow so we can work thing out
 8 January 2014, 04:13
George Bacon Auteur
Sounds good. I've never done a group build before, and don't know anything about it. You will have to educate me 🙂
 8 January 2014, 04:36
Hunter Cummins
I will😉 you will have lots of fun lol
 8 January 2014, 13:28
George Bacon Auteur
Whoa! It looks like all the parts for the earlier version (Sagger missile, launch rails, etc.) are provided. Hmmmmmm, this adds to the possibilities 😄
 8 January 2014, 21:28
George Bacon Auteur
The BMP-1P is coming along. 🙂
 11 January 2014, 15:48
Hunter Cummins
Looking good george 😄
 11 January 2014, 15:52
George Bacon Auteur
I posted a few more pictures of my build of Trumpeter's BMP-1P. Anyone interested in building this kit needs to know it is well engineered but filled with teeny-tiny and delicate parts. I've been fortunate, but you need to look out for the carpet monster on this one!😉
 13 January 2014, 16:45
George Bacon Auteur
Added the Spigot missile launcher 🙂
 14 January 2014, 02:41
Hunter Cummins
Sweet 🙂 I love it 🙂
 14 January 2014, 02:47