Into the pocket!
- Échelle:
- 1:35
- Statut:
- En cours
- Commencé:
- February 24, 2023
Infantry passing a Sherman Firefly during the Battle for Falaise, Normandy, August 1944.
Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes
Kits de détaillage et conversions

76.2mm Gun Barrel for Sherman Firefly Vc 76.2mm Ordinance Q.F. 3-in 17 PDR. Mk. IV Barrel
Aber 1:35
35L57 2007 Nouvel outillage 
Sherman T 48 Type
Friulmodel 1:35
ATL-48 Figurines
Albums photos
29 March 2025, 02:47 -