Russian BTR-60PBTrumpeter | N. 01544 | 1:35Progetti66 immaginiYom Kippur War October 1973 -Golan Heights- IDF advance through the Valley of Tears1:35Progetto: Yom Kippur War October 1973 -Golan Heights- IDF advance through the Valley of Tears6+17 immaginiTrumpeter BTR-60 - 1:351:35Progetto: BTR-605 immaginiSoviet BTR-60PB, East Germany 19871:35Progetto: Soviet BTR-60PB, East Germany 198714 immaginiBTR-60 Turkish Army1:35Progetto: Turkish Army BTR-60 APC 2000-2010 period.12 immaginiBTR-60PB1:35Progetto: BTR-60PB4 immaginiBTR-60PB1:72Progetto: BTR-60PB