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Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bis Fagot-B

Trumpeter | N. 02806 | 1:48

Boxart MiG-15 bis Fagot-B 02806 Trumpeter


9 immagini
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bis - Trumpeter 1:48View album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 Fagot (Eduard FE232)
24 immagini
MiG-15View album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
4 immagini
1/48 Egyptian Air Force MiG-15bisView album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot B (Hi-Decal Line 48-009)
13 immagini
MiG-15 bis (Trumpeter 1:48)View album, image #13
Side 3/4 view, probably the best shot I've got.
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
32 immagini
MiG-15 bisView album, image #32
1:48 MiG-15 Fagot (Eduard 49232)1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
9 immagini
Mig 15 BisView album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 Fagot (Eduard FE232)1:48 MiG-15 & MiG-15bis - Gun barrels set, Antenna base & Pitot tube (Master AM-48-089)2+
29 immagini
Trumpeter MiG-15 bis Fagot-BView album, image #20
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
7 immagini
MiG-15bis, Egyptian AFView album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 Stencils (AeroMaster 148-014)1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot B (Hi-Decal Line 48-009)
39 immagini
Mig-15 bis Fagot B/ Trumpeter View album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
2 immagini
MiG-15 bis Fagot-BView album, image #1
Perhaps one of the most famous MiG-15s from the Korean War … but who flew it? It is suggested it was flown by Won-Hatt,...
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
1 immagini
Mig 15View album, image #1
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)
21 immagini
MiG-15 Fagot-BView album, image #1
The real deal
Progetto: MiG-15 Fagot
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 (Montex SM48092)1:48 MiG-15 & MiG-15bis - Gun barrels set, Antenna base & Pitot tube (Master AM-48-089)2+