Tasca U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" (KOREAN WAR)Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1October 9, 2013 2October 9, 2013 3October 9, 2013 4October 9, 2013 5October 9, 2013 6October 9, 2013 7October 9, 2013 8October 9, 2013 9October 9, 2013 10October 9, 2013 11October 9, 2013 Commenti9 October 2013, 20:16Vorya hidaryanExcellent work👍 9 October 2013, 20:47Frank KrauseGood one! 👍 I like it, especially the front! 9 October 2013, 23:29Es-haq KhosraviExcellent job! 9 October 2013, 23:36Kim BrandersImpressive sherman 10 October 2013, 06:18Gerald👍 10 October 2013, 07:39Philip De KeyserWonderfull 👍 10 October 2013, 09:29Christian MeyerhoffExcellent! 10 October 2013, 10:01Jan VoorbijBrilliant weathering! 10 October 2013, 10:12Heico van der HeideVery nice build! 10 October 2013, 10:19Christian BruerNice Sherman! 10 October 2013, 18:40Hunter CumminsBeautiful 22 December 2013, 14:00Album infoPhotos of the Tasca Korean war Sherman I finished recentlyTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »