M24 Chaffee
1 28 February 2014, 19:06

wow outstanding work, i really like your stowage and ground work can share how you did your grass?
28 February 2014, 21:58

Thanks a lot, guys !
@William - The gras was done with a gras mat bei Heki (Don't know if this brand is known outside of germany). They're available in some different shades and colours and I don't remember which one I have used. Doesn't matter that much, because I brush the gras with some green color with my airbrush.
I attached a Picture of this gras mat stuff to give you a better idea what I am talking about.
2 March 2014, 12:41

Hi Dirk...
Excellently done Dirk, looks great as part of the vignette!!!
You know I'm not a military builder, but I well appreciate your work...
I can learn so much from you Guy's👍🙂
2 March 2014, 12:54

Dirk thank you for the picture of the grass I'm sure there similar stuff here in the states i will just have to be on the look out
2 March 2014, 13:14

Very Nice Dirk, The M-24 is one of my favourite tanks. You have done a great job! 👍
2 March 2014, 22:28