Semovente M40 75/18
March 11, 2014New project!2
March 11, 2014Starts with interior scratch-building of ammo racks.3
March 11, 2014The ammo rack came together well. Used leftover panzer iv wheels and plastic strip for fake transmission parts. This won't be very visible thru the open hatches, but does the trick!4
March 11, 2014Except for seats, the bottom half of the interior is about done.5
March 12, 2014Since I don't plan to use the kit's rubber-band tracks, I snipped off a piece and glued it under the grills to look like something "mechanical" is in there.6
March 12, 2014Interior with seats, grease, and dirty floors added. had to carve a little cushion texture (i.e. butt marks) into the otherwise flat seats.7
March 12, 2014Breda 30 and clip for inside stowage.8
March 13, 2014Spring cleaning 🙂9
March 13, 2014Working on the main gun, I added a short piece of plastic tube on the back of the barrel to make it longer. I want it to look like it's running through the ball gun-mount, not just stuck on it.10
March 13, 201411
March 14, 2014Adding sponson shelves for the interior. Lots of trial and error to get a good fit.12
March 14, 2014The gun needs proper handles. Drilling holes and Using plastic rod.13
March 14, 2014Cut to size and build up with a slurry of super-glue mixed with corn starch.14
March 14, 2014Need handles on the control wheels too.15
March 14, 201416
March 14, 201417
March 14, 2014Radio and booster from spare parts box.18
March 14, 2014Pistol ports and fire extinguisher from spare parts.19
March 14, 2014Needs a first aid kit...20
March 14, 2014Driver's control panel and wiring - spare parts or scratch-built.21
March 14, 2014Tool box...22
March 14, 2014Ammo box...23
March 16, 2014Built a periscope (exterior view).24
March 16, 2014Periscope (interior view).25
March 16, 2014Mounted the Breda 30.26
March 16, 2014Spread some spent shell casings around.27
March 16, 2014Working on hinges for drivers vision port.28
March 16, 2014Vision visor attached (interior)29
March 16, 2014Vision visor (exterior)30
March 16, 2014Masked from the inside. Hope I can get all this out, later31
March 16, 2014The top is on. It felt like sealing an Egyptian tomb...32
March 18, 2014Ready to paint!33
March 18, 2014Looks a lot better with an airbrush shot of Tamiya White Primer.34
March 19, 2014Used "Earth Red" as a shade base and to simulate primer paint.35
March 25, 2014After letting the first base color dry for three or four days, I wet it down with tap water and a drop of "wetting" agent (liquid laundry soap) to help it flow evenly. While it was wet, I applied salt.36
March 25, 2014I used both table salt and coarser kosher salt to get a variety of sizes, and let it dry before adding the next sand color.37
March 25, 2014A lot of the salt comes off during the painting process, but after the second coat is dry, the remaining salt is rubbed off. A little water helps melt the salt.38
March 27, 2014Pin washed, dry-brushed, and muddied.39
March 27, 2014Details on and/or painted. Ready to install the wheels and tracks.40
March 29, 2014Finis!
21 March 2025, 09:24 -
Album info
Zvezda 1/35 scale kit with aftermarket parts