Light Tanks Groupbuild Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1 September 19, 2014
We're off and running!
2 September 19, 2014
Reference photos show grab irons welded to the back deck plates. The kit parts have these molded on and flat (as seen on lower plate by the knife), so I decided to make them accurate, replacing them with wire.
3 September 22, 2014
I decided to do an interior so the main turret hatch can be open.
4 September 22, 2014
The fighting compartment is built from plastic sheet, girders, rods, wire and some spare parts.
5 September 22, 2014
The turret basket was built from plastic rod, sheet, and half-round strips.
6 September 22, 2014
Pieces and bits from the spare parts box (and a little scratch-building) round out the basket area.
7 September 22, 2014
Spare parts, bits and pieces added to the turret walls.
8 September 22, 2014
Photos of the real interior from the internet helped decide which parts to use and how to place them.
9 10 September 27, 2014
Fighting compartment with drivers seat.
11 September 27, 2014
Drivers periscopes and instruments.
12 September 27, 2014
Turret basket with gun breach.
13 September 27, 2014
Turret interior.
14 15 Commenti 1 19 September 2014, 01:00
George Bacon Autore Doing a little scratch-building and kit bashing. What fun!
22 September 2014, 15:40
George Bacon Autore The PT-76 is finished!
24 October 2014, 21:58
Album info The PT-76 Model 1951 will be my entry. Looks like a fairly straight-forward, but highly detailed model!
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