My Eduard Collection
January 28, 20152
February 3, 2015Hellcat combo yay3
February 3, 2015Royal class Spitfire4
February 3, 2015Dual combo Fokker Dr 15
February 3, 2015Mig 15 Dual combo 1/726
February 3, 2015P39 Airacobra7
February 3, 2015Hellcat Weekend edition 1/728
February 3, 2015Pfalz D .IIIa Profipak Dual combo9
February 5, 2015This shows the two complete sprue's it also comes with two etch frets two masks10
February 5, 2015Shows the first option11
February 5, 2015shows two more options decals and paint schemes12
February 5, 2015Shows the final option13
February 6, 2015Another one of my Eduard Airocobras14
February 6, 2015Profipak 1/72nd Mig 1515
February 6, 2015Bf 108 Taifun Profipak16
February 6, 2015P39 L/N Profipak Edition17
February 6, 2015P38F,G,H Early Lightnings Limited Edition18
February 6, 2015P47 Jugs over Italy Limited Edition19
February 6, 2015BF 109E-4 Weekend edition20
February 6, 2015FW190A-8 Profipak Edition21
February 6, 2015MIG 21 MF Profipak edition22
February 6, 2015MIG 21 SMT Profipak Edition23
February 6, 2015Bf 110F Nachtjager weekend Edition24
February 6, 2015MIG-21BIS Weekend edition25
February 6, 2015Airocobra over New Guinea Limited Edition Dual combo26
February 6, 2015P_38J Pacific Lightnings Limited Edition27
February 6, 2015Jugs Over Germany Limited Edition28
February 9, 2015The Fw190D-13 Weeked edition29
February 9, 2015Bf110C/E in MTO Limited edition30
February 9, 2015F6F-3 Hellcat Profipak edition31
February 9, 2015I-16 Type 10 over Spain one of my favourite ones32
February 9, 2015SU - 25 Frogfoot Limited edition has to be one of my favourite planes of all times33
February 9, 2015Mig 29 A Limited edition I have a real thing about cold war Russian planes34
February 9, 2015Another nice one Bicentenial Phantoms Limited edition35
February 9, 2015Royal class Bf 109G Limited edition
26 March 2025, 16:29 -
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become fanatical about Eduard over the last few years used to be Accurate minatures but Eduard is a long way in front now personal opinion of course