Avia C.2B1
26 August 2017, 21:32

Thanks for looking Lukasz. Lots of great projects on Scalemates lately😉 Looks like you have a bunch on the bench yourself 👍
27 August 2017, 12:26

Indeed Alec, indeed... 🙂 Trying to get rid of SR.53 currently 🙂 But somehow I'm unable to have less than 5 open projects😉
27 August 2017, 17:21

Wonderful interior build and presentation. That engine piece, A18, was a surprise to see.
28 August 2017, 01:54

Welcome aboard Christian 👍
@Lukasz: don't know how you manage it 🙂
@Lost_Erik: I think there will be some more surprises with this build 😄
28 August 2017, 03:03

Nothing difficult Alec, kind of addiction, you know😉 It happens when you can't decide😉
28 August 2017, 12:16

looks good so far. what is the bulge at the exterior of the cockpit?
28 August 2017, 15:54

Thanks Bart. I believe the bulge under the cockpit on the starboard side is an optional gun camera for the gun-equipped variants.
29 August 2017, 00:13

I have this in my stash, but in 1:48. Have not decided if I am going to do the Czech or Hungarian version. Nice to see something different 👍
9 September 2017, 14:09

Thanks Dave. The Hungarian version has an interesting open rear cockpit, so that would for sure be something different. I added few more pics, getting this project wrapped up.
13 September 2017, 19:00

Why did you preshade? I thought for NMF one starts with gloss black first then the metalics.
14 September 2017, 12:17

@Dave: Agreed, that is the accepted practice. My issue with black undercoat is that it darkens the silver, which IMHO is opposite to what I am trying to do, i.e. keep the silver light on account of the scale effect (that said, white primer may be a better choice to achieve that end). In addition, I wanted to highlight the panel lines, not possible with black base.
15 September 2017, 11:19

Thanks Christian.
Dave: It's almost done. The landing gear attachment needs some TLC but otherwise it's getting there.
16 September 2017, 12:09

That's a nice one, thrown up mud is a nice detail. Did the black preshade work as planned?
28 September 2017, 04:10

Great finish, last pic is a killer! I like the weathering, not too strong. Yeah, and that emblem (my favourite in CSAF)! 👍
It's from Pardubice, isn't it? 🙂
28 September 2017, 06:03

Thanks very much mates, I appreciate the kind words. I am happy with the result 👍
Hi Bart - the preshading worked well IMHO. It's a subtle effect, but it adds dept to the finish, and some "aging", which was my goal.
Lukasz - I am glad you like my digital imaging dabble (I have fun doing those). The emblem is actually that of Ostrava, where the unit flying these C-2s was based (I think it still is). Pardubice has a half-horse in its coat of arms (I guess Czechs had some horse fetish way back... 😄)
29 September 2017, 01:40

Interesting. I always thought (since I saw the KP MiG-15 & UTI for the 1st time) that this was Pardubice unit emblem (btw. such a restored MiG-15 stands now at Hradec Kralowe airfield). Anyway thanks a lot for the explanation.
PS. I guess all the east-Yuropean nations got this fetish at some point in time😉
29 September 2017, 06:08

The way you managed to put a photo of your model (pic39) over the original picture (1) is simply brilliant, almost 1:1!
30 September 2017, 10:54

your work is always great pleasure to the eyes. beautiful photography too
30 September 2017, 20:58

Thanks very much mates, your kind comments are much appreciated 👍
30 September 2017, 21:04
Album info
I decided to tackle this project mainly to try out all-metal finish using All Clad lacquers. Special Hobby released the Arado Ar-96, of which C.2 is its Czech post-WWII reincarnation, in several versions. I am planning this as an OOB build: closed canopy, no additions, just a decal option from Mark I. decal set that comes with their Arado Ar-96 title.
This turned out to be a pleasurable build. Few surprises, keeping in mind that this is a short-run kit, and some experience is handy during construction. I discuss any specifics in the accompanying pictures.